Package management problem in webif


New Member
The package management screens in my webif seem to be "stuck" at showing old information.
When I clicked update for webif, I got the new version (0.9.12-5) but the installed tab still says I have 0.8.0-3 installed. I also added redring (installed and works fine) but not showing up on the installed tab. I want to try out unencrypt, but can't install it because it is not listed as an available package - this list is stuck at an old list.
Yes, I tried to "update package list from internet" and it says it worked fine:
>>> opkg update
Updated list of available packages in /mod/var/opkg/base.

Updating package meta information

Operation complete.
but, it still show an old list.
Yes, I tried rebooting - no change.
Is there some old file I can/need to delete to restore normal operation?
Many thanks.
Unencypt is in the Advanced list which needs to be turned on in Settings>>Show development and advanced packages>>ON
Xanderly - I think some of your problems might be your internet browser's page refresh, presenting you with stale information from the cache.
Yes, it was a web browser issue. I tried from a different machine and it show up fine. Thanks for pointing to the (obvious) solution.