Playback freezing


New Member
I am currently experiencing problems with my HDR-FOX T2 (1TB) as it has started freezing when playing back recordings . During playback, randomly the screen will go black the Humax box will make a metallic sound (assuming this is coming from hard drive) and the picture will return after 2-4 seconds (This happens every 15 -20 mins approx). If the recording is rewound to the point that I went off it then plays as normal (Suggesting it is not a recording error). This unit is 4 months old and with purchased from Amazon. Do Humax boxes come with a 1 or 2 year guarantee? Am I best taking this up with the supplier or Humax direct? Any advice would be much appreciated.
During playback, randomly the screen will go black the Humax box will make a metallic sound (assuming this is coming from hard drive) and the picture will return after 2-4 seconds (This happens every 15 -20 mins approx). If the recording is rewound to the point that I went off it then plays as normal (Suggesting it is not a recording error). This unit is 4 months old and with purchased from Amazon. Do Humax boxes come with a 1 or 2 year guarantee? Am I best taking this up with the supplier or Humax direct?
You need to check with the supplier about the warranty. New boxes from Humax Direct come with two years guarantee. You could try formatting the drive to see if that fixes the problem (but will of course delete your recordings). I suggest if you want to take this further then try Amazon first and Humax second.
An update on above. I contacted the supplier through Amazon and they have OK’d an exchange. Before I box up the faulty unit I would like to back up some of the recorded content. Actually who am I kidding, im being nagged into backing up some seamingly endless dieting and birthing documentary’s. Anyway, if I use ftp I realise that the files will be encrypted. If I then copy these back onto the new unit will they play?:
No. You have to decrypt them before you sent the box away, or they are lost forever.

Also, please record the serial number and fault symptoms HERE (click).
I'm having the same issue as Simon764 :(. So, how do I decrpyt the existing recordings to allow them to be played by a replacement box please?
I'm having the same issue as Simon764 :(. So, how do I decrpyt the existing recordings to allow them to be played by a replacement box please?
With the standard firmware, you must copy the recordings to an external USB storage device attached to the Humax. With the custom firmware there are many other possibilities.
Well it's standard firmware - I've only had it since December. So just copying to a USB device is sufficient to decrypt the files? If so, why wouldn't copying to my laptop work?
Well it's standard firmware - I've only had it since December. So just copying to a USB device is sufficient to decrypt the files?
Yes, however I forgot to mention one rather important thing; the copy to USB I described will only work for Standard Definition (SD) recording; HD recordings cannot be decrypted with standard firmware.
If so, why wouldn't copying to my laptop work?
You need to ask that question of the Humax software developers and the Digital Rights holders; all I can tell you is that it won't work.
1: Find a spare external hard drive and format it to EXT3 (Used by Linux) There are Windows based freeware programs that let you do this. I used a “G Part Live” boot CD. This drive will then plug into your Humax box and be recognised as external storage. When you copy recordings from the Humax to the Ext3 drive the will be decrypted (Standard def only unless you use foxy first). Using Windows FAT32 drives will cause you problems with file sizes.
2: If you Humax box is networked linked you can then ftp to the drive, go to the external drive and copy the files. If your not networked then install Diskintrnals on your windows PC. This will give you read access to your EXT3 formatted hard drive. Plug the drive into your PC and you should be able to copy the contents.
Find a spare external hard drive and format it to EXT3 (Used by Linux) There are Windows based freeware programs that let you do this

The Humax will format the external drive in EXT3 for you, By the way are you the same Simon764 that asked the original questions in #1 and #3?:)
Same Simon & im still waiting for Amazon supplier to get 1TB model back in stock so I can exchange it. Didnt realise that I could have formated external drive on Humax. Looks like I went the long way round :)
An update on the original issue - the playback freeze only happens if the hummy is recording at the same time. If no recording is in progress then no freezes.
An update on the original issue - the playback freeze only happens if the hummy is recording at the same time. If no recording is in progress then no freezes.
Have since worked out mine does the same. Sounds as if its a drive access speed problem. The length of time the "Signal Fault" error is displayed or the screen goes black is getting longer. Is yours also a 1TB model?
It is a 1Tb model, but was fine for the first 2-3 months, it's only started doing it in the last 2 weeks. Drive is about 1/4 full.
Just seen this thread on AV forums - same issue as me (I not only get "freezing" of playback, but also shrtened recordings where the recorded programme "scrambles" and skips forwards a minute of so - evidenced by the recording length being shorter than usual). He copied his files off, and reformatted the HDD on the Hummy. I'll have to give that a try, when I can afford an external HDD to copy stuff to!
You can FTP the files onto your laptop / P.C. if you don't have a external HDD
So, will that "decrypt" them? Or do I not need to do that if they're going back onto the same Hummy? O may not have enough HDD space on my laptop, but presumably once FTP'd I could archive to CD/DVD? What programme would you suggest for the FTP?