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PVR 9200T HDD to USB cable

Have you tried entering "Command" (without the quotes) into the windows 10 search box and then clicking on the right hand half of the results where it states "Run as administrator"?
Or right click cmd.exe and chose "Run as administrator"
Neither of the above work, but I'm not bothered because the solution from xyz321 explains things.

We seem to have got ourselves into a wild goose chase concerning administration rights. As I stated in post 26 the programme seemed to run, but could not see the disk. This is because, never having used HumaxRW before,
I hadn't realised that one had to scroll through a list of drive letters to find the appropriate one. Having done this, all is now well.

Thanks very much to all who helped. All I wanted to do in the first place was give away a cable, but it was good fun digging out the old faithful 9200 and realising how much things have moved on in the last 12 years.

Edit: One thing that puzzled me (and BH) is how does the 9200 shut the HDD down whilst the 12v and 5v remain? It seems to be a soft shutdown as I can hear the disc slowing down, rather than an abrupt click.

Edit 2. A little googling provides the answer.
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