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Question About Firmwares


New Member
Hi All

I was searching for information on my Humax HDR Freesat recorder and found pages on custom firmware’s.

Please can you explain how these differ from official firmwares and the reasons why someone would want to install these custom firmwares?

I thank you for your help in this matter and look forward to hearing back from you over the next few days.

Best wishes

The custom firmware is an addition to the standard firmware, and provides additional facilíties. These facilities are (in the main) confined to providing remote management of the Foxsat via a web browser across your home network, and access to the recordings on the Foxsat via the home network (including streaming recordings to DLNA-capable clients). Recordings can be copied to (for example) a PC by FTP or network file access (as if the Foxsat were a NAS).

StDef recordings are not encrypted. HiDef recordings are encrypted (and cannot be decrypted), but can be recorded without encryption by a hack called "Nowster's Patch". Without Nowster's Patch, HiDef recordings are of no use except playback on the original recording device.

The Foxsat custom firmware has a long history, starting as simply a means to access the file system but then incorporating the web browser interface developments from the HDR-FOX custom firmware. As such, the user interface and capabilities are similar (but for technical reasons not the same) as the web interface for HDR-FOX.

The relevant information about the Foxsat CF is summarised in this topic (see particularly post 2): http://hummy.tv/forum/threads/networking-and-modified-software-guide.896/. Note that the main support forum for the Foxsat CF is on AVForums here: http://www.avforums.com/forums/free...e-server-bundle-foxsat-hdr-release-4-0-a.html.

The HDR-FOX CF (on which the Foxsat web interface is based) is thoroughly documented on this forum, to get a taste of it see http://wiki.hummy.tv/wiki/Custom_Firmware_Overview.