Radio recording fast forward


Does anybody know how to fast forward through a radio recording ? The normal transport controls don't appear to work.

Best Regards
I can't say I've ever tried fast forward/rewind on a radio recording, but the skip forward/back buttons (advert skip) always seem to work fine for me.
Thanks for the replies/solutions. I'm still surprised that the fast forward/rewind was not implemented for radio recordings - it seems like an oversight, but perhaps there's some technical reason. When I use the cursor left/right buttons the timeline cursor displays the current time in what appears to be MM:SS format, but the SS segment is always zero ! Why is that ?

Anyway, thanks again

Shouldn't be - it's in hh:mm so if you have not moved forward to the second minute it will still be 00:00.

As to 2x FF/REW, a digital soundtrack in a compressed format is not as simple to take every other sample from as would a .wav or an analogue tape.