Real Time Scheduling (RTS)

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I am constantly having problems with RTS, it keeps appearing and disappearing from the advanced settings menu, every time I schedule a recording I need to reboot the unit, at this time the RTS feature reappears, when I turn the unit on later it is not listed, what on Earth is going on , is addition the dreaded Wizard message appears on a semi regular basis, any words of wiadom from the boffins much appreciated.
Thank you
Thanks BH, I have does this and although this fix , well, fixes things it appears it is only a temporary fix, could this problem be related to the appearance of the 'WIZARD' message, is there anything else that may be tried in addition to running 'fix-flash-packages'?. Thanks
I am constantly having problems with RTS, it keeps appearing and disappearing from the advanced settings menu
Keep at least one item in the recording schedule, even if you have to invent a dummy manual recording at some point a long way in the future.
the dreaded Wizard message appears on a semi regular basis
Stop repeating the same question in different threads. You've already been told what to do. Try actually doing it.
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Keep at least one item in the recording schedule, even if you have to invent a dummy manual recording at some point a long way in the future.
That is advisable anyway, for auto-schedule-restore. I have a 20-minute manual reminder set for 0420 to cover the OTA slot.
Keep at least one item in the recording schedule, even if you have to invent a dummy manual recording at some point a long way in the future.

Stop repeating the same question in different threads. You've already been told what to do. Try actually doing it.
Yes mother I stand punished, stop talking to people in that condescending voice, if you don't wish to be helpful then don't be but stop behaving like a child, I will ask what ever question I like on this public forum, and as I said earlier, if you don't want to answer then don't do I can tell you It will not make the slightest difference to me.
Clearly the problem is much more serious and nobody understands it let alone how to solve it, so I will keep a recording in the schedule at all times and go from there.
Clearly the problem is much more serious and nobody understands it let alone how to solve it,
I do know. I considered explaining, but can't be bothered (especially as you never gave any details - I just guessed your problem and it seems I was right).
Search the forum if you have a clue how. You probably won't understand the answer even if you found it.
I will ask what ever question I like on this public forum
You're the childish one, repeatedly going on about the same thing when you've already been told the answer - you've already had the help.
I think you'll find your toys on the ground - near the very small grey mess alongside which appears to be your brain cells.
Good luck talking when nobody's listening to you any more.
I do know. I considered explaining, but can't be bothered (especially as you never gave any details - I just guessed your problem and it seems I was right).
Search the forum if you have a clue how. You probably won't understand the answer even if you found it.

You're the childish one, repeatedly going on about the same thing when you've already been told the answer - you've already had the help.
I think you'll find your toys on the ground - near the very small grey mess alongside which appears to be your brain cells.
Good luck talking when nobody's listening to you any more.
Your reply only serves to reinforce what I have already concluded about you, as I have said before you do not have to answer any of my questions, don't even read them, I will not be loosing any sleep waiting for your answers, my advice is get a life! and grow up.
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