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    • F
      Foxtrot204 replied to the thread FixDisk Results.
      Thanks for your reply I am now better informed and more confident to try tackle this problem luckily I as a matter of routine transfer...
    • F
      Foxtrot204 replied to the thread FixDisk Results.
      Thanks again, yes I did read it but didn't understand it and still don't understand some of the details but certainly appeciate your...
    • F
      Foxtrot204 replied to the thread FixDisk Results.
      Thanks for the suggestion I will have a go at it, I do in fact run a Linux laptop so let's see what happens, also could you possibly say...
    • F
      Foxtrot204 replied to the thread FixDisk Results.
      Thanks for the reply, I am aware of this suggestion but have not applied it for I am not an expert and would not wish to make matters...
    • F
      Hi, A routine run of fixDisk resulted in an error which is this, Error storing directory block information (inode=6754201, block=0), as...
    • F
      Interesting that not a single word appears about British colonial history and it's disastrous effects on so many former colonies, e.g...
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