Yes, you're right Black Hole, I had read the Wiki in the past and knew about the ethernet interface not being available in standby, but I'd forgotten. The box may have been in Delinquent Half-Awake mode but I still have several old style sleep entries in the schedule that are probably forcing a shutdown, as well as using "Schedule Reboot" via the RS when I add new entries and hence I haven't been having schedule update problems. I don't have time in the next couple of days to test this further but I've ordered some IR over IP boxes to see if I can remotely control the boxes via the internet using the remote control. If I can, I'll remove all the extraneous stuff from the schedule and use this method (IR over IP) with a strategically placed webcam to see what's happening, to wake the boxes from standby remotely to activate the ethernet interface. This should allow me to add new programs quickly either via RS or the Web-if and download video over the internet using the Web-if.