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Retune - Large Drop in Signal Strength


Just done a retune and noticed a big drop in some of the signal strengths.

Can anyone else on the Belmont transmitter check and see if their signals are lower.
2016 06 17 - Humax.png
How do I get the WebIF Diagnostic/Mux Info to show all of the channel signal strengths & signal quality.

When I look at it I only see one:

Humax HDR Fox T2 (humax).png
That's strange. Mine gives the right readings for all 6 of my MPXs.

When does the displayed sig strength get updated????
Ah right. Looks like it's time to try out tunefix.
Yes, install tunefix, do an auto-scan, then whenever you do another manual scan it will restore the zeroed out entries (thanks Humax for more cr@p design) when tunefix next runs.
Sadly no.

The aerial is right at the top of the roof gable end with nothing local in it's line of sight.

Only thing of note that happened recently was a power cut in a thunder storm.
It's RF. RF is a black art where "try it and see" has about as much chance of success as "calculate to the nth degree and still fail to account for every last detail affecting propagation". As long as it works, try not to worry - it's not worth the stress. Only commit the time to do something when it's stopped working (and then you know what your target is).
Doesn't explain what's what though, does it?

Unfortunately no, but if others aren't reporting a similar drop in signals it must be something at our end.

If I remember right though ARQ B Channel 60 is QVC so not too worried about losing that.

More worried about COM 7 HD & COM 8 HD as they carry channels we watch.