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"rewind record"


New Member
Want to know if this box has a feature I like in the HDR-FOX T2 (and my old 9200) as follows:~

say ye come in and find a programme is on that ye HAVEN'T recorded so ye rewind to watch it from the start, but ye don't get peace to watch it because the kids (or Wife) keep interrupting, so ye rewind to the start and press record and it records it.

Does this new box do the same?

My Wife wants to know additionally if ye can record any of the "catch up/on demand" programmes (although quite why she would want to do that I am not sure).

Many thanks in anticipation of the answers.
No you currently can not record the buffer. If you rewind the buffer and then press record, all that happens is the box simply records from the current time.

This is something us YouView owners have asked YouView to look at, and if you look at the YouView forum, there is a list of suggested improvements.

Seeing as YouView are listening to us, hopefully these things will be implemented in future software updates, next one due around the end of Jan 21013.:D
No you currently can not record the buffer. If you rewind the buffer and then press record, all that happens is the box simply records from the current time.

This is something us YouView owners have asked YouView to look at, and if you look at the YouView forum, there is a list of suggested improvements.

Seeing as YouView are listening to us, hopefully these things will be implemented in future software updates, next one due around the end of Jan 21013.:D

I wonder if the new one has buffer record

According to Barry at My Humax Forum, the unit is the same under the cover, just a front fascia change.
This looks like exactly the same functionality in a dedicated YouView box rather than using the old HDR Fox T2 box, also the product numbering doesn't suggest a very big change, from DTR-T1000 to DTR-T1010. They seem to have removed the 'Humax' logo completely this time (only visible on the display)

Pretty sure you are correct :). Should have put an emoticon on the post. It does look quite nice though ;)

No price increase either.