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Roll-Over Help Tips

Black Hole

May contain traces of nut

Is it possible, within the facilities that exist in the forum, to make hot links in a post that pop up an explanation when you hover the mouse? What I'm thinking of is something like SUI - so much quicker to type and read if everyone agrees what it means, but completely mystifying if you don't. I know there is an opinion that everything should be written out in full, but that has its own problems. In this case "Standard User Interface" still needs to be explained, so it becomes "the remote control (or front panel controls) and TV screen", etc. Then somebody else uses their own words or interpretation, and the meaning becomes fuzzy.

I could set up a web page somewhere with anchor points so you could click through, but that would just be a repeat of the Glossary, and it wouldn't hover - you would have to follow the link and then come back. As far as I know I can't put anchors into the existing Glossary (although that might be possible in the Wiki). An alternative could be to break up the Glossary into one entry per post and link to the individual posts. The only other thing I can think of is (in my posts anyway) to include a footnote in the form of a quote box expanding any terms used in the post.
