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Royal mail/post office

The letter I received today was dated the 20th of this month. Who knows what date is on the non-existant letter it referred to. Last month? Last year? Bank letters/statements often take ten or more days to arrive (not working days). Too long even for second class. No wonder banks want you to go paperless.
Paperless wouldn't help with my USS letter. When I complained, the automatic acknowledgement informed me that certain replies can only be given by snail mail not email.
I received a Signed For item while I was away. Clearly it hasn't been signed for, just shoved through the letter-box like anything else. Checking the tracking number results in an error message stating they'll update the status once they attempt to deliver the item. This is rather difficult now that they have.
They just don't care.
Again, the sender hasn't received the service they paid for.
The same has happened again today. I was in this time, and heard the post come through the letter box. No attempt was made to collect a signature.
It's happened to me 3 times in the last 5 months now, twice as receiver, once as sender.
There is something systemic about this organisation not providing the service that has been paid for. This is fraud or at least taking money under false pretences.
There is no point in paying for Signed For service. You might as well just stick an ordinary stamp on it.
There is... you can get compensation if whatever it is gets lost.
OK, that's good for a little money-making scam - my two claims have netted me 12 1st class stamps (which I don't really know what to do with, as I send very little) and cost of one of the items lost (which eventually turned up some weeks later); the other item was 0 cost, although not 0 value, as it didn't produce a receipt which could be used to support a claim.
But the real reason I used it is I wanted to know things had got there and when, and I didn't.
You can't complain as receiver, despite initially being led by their website to think you might be able to. There seems to be no way to make a general complaint (that I have found anyway).
Isn't that the mark of someone who can't read? Might explain a lot.
(More likely the "signature" of a lazy b.)