The database contains both entries, one uploaded on the 3rd, one on the 4th - from two different devices.
MariaDB [humaxrs]> select * from depg_12340 where start = unix_timestamp('2020-04-04 14:30:00') and service_id = 4172\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
network_id: 12340
service_id: 4172
event_id: 10650
start: 1586010600
end: 1586013300
duration: 2700
name: Money for Nothing
text: 3/20. Sarah Moore is in Surrey, checking out the cast-offs at Witley recycling centre. She and her team of artisans try to revive a 1950s TV, an art deco chair and a drum kit. Also in HD. [S]
warning_mode: 0
content_mgmt: 0
content_type: 2
content: News/Current affairs
event_crid: /m/231Q
series_crid: /m-22ZU
did: 3062
dat: 2020-04-03 03:24:16
*************************** 2. row ***************************
network_id: 12340
service_id: 4172
event_id: 10980
start: 1586010600
end: 1586016900
duration: 6300
name: Coronavirus: Daily Update
text: Latest developments including a Downing Street news conference on the coronavirus epidemic. Also in HD. [S]
warning_mode: 0
content_mgmt: 0
content_type: 2
content: News/Current affairs
event_crid: /m/9W5S
series_crid: /m-9IBG/01
did: 2352
dat: 2020-04-04 03:24:51
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Both devices are the same in terms of versions and region data
MariaDB [humaxrs]> select model, modver, rsver, region, nid from device where did in (2352, 3062);
| model | modver | rsver | region | nid |
| HDR | 3.13 | 1.5.1 | South | 12340 |
| HDR | 3.13 | 1.5.1 | South | 12340 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
It does look like RS should be preferring the newer data but that is not trivial to implement.