Ye Olde Bowler
Would it be possible to put a drop down box on the EPG page to allow a different favourite to be displayed ?
I know I can do it via Settings but would find this much more convenient.
Thank you

Thank you
--- epg_search_orig 2019-01-05 14:15:39.161805600 +0000
+++ epg_search 2019-01-18 20:14:31.984318400 +0000
@@ -7,6 +7,40 @@
+puts -nonewline "<script type=text/javascript src=\"/lib/jquery.plugin/form/jquery.form.js\"></script>"
+set setclass [settings new]
+set favgrp [$setclass channel_group]
+puts "
+ <table style=\"float:right; margin: 16px 10px 0 -405px;\"><tr>
+ <form class=chgroup id=channel_group method=get action=\"/settings/settings.jim\">
+ <th class=key style=\"font-weight: normal;font-size:12px;\">Channel Group for EPG</th>
+ <td><fieldset><select id=channel_group name=channel_group
+ class=\"text ui-widget-content ui-corner-all\" onchange=\"FormSubmit(this.form)\">
+set i 0
+puts "<option value=0>-- None --"
+foreach grp [$setclass channel_groups] {
+ incr i
+ puts -nonewline "<option value=$i"
+ if {$favgrp == $i} {
+ puts -nonewline " selected"
+ }
+ puts ">$grp"
+puts "
+ </select>
+ <input type=checkbox name=reload id=reload checked class=hidden> Reload
+ <label id=reloadLabel for=reload> </label>
+ </fieldset>
+ </td>
+ </form>
+ </tr><tr><td colspan=2 style=\"text-align: center;\"><div id=channel_group_output></div></td></tr></table>
set searchterm ""
catch { set searchterm [dict get $_cgi term] }
set searchfull 0
@@ -122,6 +156,30 @@
$('#morebutton').attr('src', '/img/more_show.png');
+ if($(this).is(":checked")) $(this).next("label").css('background-image','url("/img/on.png")');
+ else $(this).next("label").css('background-image','url("/img/off.png")');
+function FormSubmit(e) {
+ var id = $(e).attr('id');
+ var output = '#' + id + '_output';
+ $.ajax({
+ data: $(e).serialize(),
+ type: $(e).attr('method'),
+ url: $(e).attr('action'),
+ success: function (data) {
+ $(output)
+ .css({'marginTop':'5px','font-style':'italic'})
+ .show('slow')
+ .html(data)
+ .delay(3000)
+ .fadeOut('slow');
+ if ($('#reload').prop('checked'))
+ setTimeout(function() { location.reload();}, 2500);
+ }
+ });
--- styleOrig.css 2018-12-07 01:05:59.000000000 +0000
+++ style.css 2019-01-14 14:55:58.615498800 +0000
@@ -696,3 +696,50 @@
color: #008080;
+label#reloadLabel {
+ height: 22px;
+ width: 70px;
+ background-image: url("/img/on.png");
+ display: inline-block;
+ background-size: cover;
Can you or some other kind soul tell me the file(s) I need to update with this code. I retired long before CSS came along so I do need an amount of hand holding![]()
HDRFOX1# find -name "epg_search"
HDRFOX1# find -name "style.css"
Yes, which indeed. It's not the one you imagine, given the posted diff.but which style.css? ./mnt/hd2/mod/webif/html/xepg/style.css I imagine.
Yes, probably with -p0 as there is no path information. If you have the proper gnupatch package installed, then you can use thewill this do it ? 'patch -pnum <patchfile'
option as well on a first run to test what would /tmp
cd /mod/webif
patch -p1 < /tmp/webif-matthew-combined.patch
'no go' is not very descriptive.I tried patching again but no go (because the patch is against 1.5.1-1 ?)
Not sure if it is worth redoing if another WebIf update will cause it to fail.
humax /mnt/hd2/mod # patch -p0 -i tmp/webif-matthew-combined.patch
patching file webif/html/js/epg_popup.js
patching file webif/html/xepg/index.jim
patching file webif/html/xepg/script.js
patching file webif/html/xepg/style.css
patching file webif/lib/epg_search
to the command. If you have gnupatch installed, you can add the --dry-run
option to try it without applying it.I've looked at it on more than one occasion, but there are several things I don't like.Even better would be to add the patches to to the git source for the webif so that they become incorprorated into the official webif release
While the original request was for RS the actual implementation was for WebifIs this to do with RS or the WebIF EPG? The discussion seems to revolve around WebIF EPG, but the title says "RS".
I wpuld agree that while I like the updating yellow bar and ability to change the EPG favourite group I am less convinced of the value of some of the other changes and therefore it would be nice to customise which changes are included in the displayI've looked at it on more than one occasion, but there are several things I don't like.