[RS] Weekend Recording Using Auto Scheduling Not Working


New Member

Can anyone help?

I have tried to record my local news programme that occurs at the weekend using the Automatic Scheduling on the Remote Scheduling website, but it doesn't work properly.

The problem is this: the local news programme occurs on a Saturday and Sunday; there is no set programme time, so it can start at any time and it occurs more than once on the same day.

I can set up a search and it will pick the up the weekend local news programme. But then, it sends a series record setting for the programme to my Hummy. This results in it recording every news programmes in that series, so it will record the news during the week as well, which I don't want, so then have to delete them.

This also seems to be a bug on the Hummy as well. I've set up a weekend series recording, only to find that, again, it records all the news programmes during the week, I then have to hit delete again! It's very annoying.

Also, it would great to be able to restrict the time slots but there doesn't seem a way of do this; for instance, only search for a programme between 11:00~19:00 hours.
When you set up a series recording the Humax will record any program with a matching Series ID number (Supplied by the broadcaster). If the broadcaster uses the same series ID for weekend and Weekday programs the Humax will not separate them
You should be able to set up an automatic scheduling rule (in RS) that schedules individual events rather than series. Then you can schedule all relevant news events that occur on a weekend day.

The fact that it picks up all weekday news programmes is due to the series link information supplied by the broadcaster and we have no control over that.

The RS automatic scheduling rules just control how something gets added to your Humax recording schedule. Once it's there it has no more involvement so the rules aren't checked for each new recording after that. Once it's in the schedule on your Humax it behaves just like something that was put there by hand.

Also, it would great to be able to restrict the time slots but there doesn't seem a way of do this; for instance, only search for a programme between 11:00~19:00 hours.

You can't currently do that but I can look at adding it if it's useful.
Also, it would great to be able to restrict the time slots but there doesn't seem a way of do this; for instance, only search for a programme between 11:00~19:00 hours.

I've added this (time range selection) to the auto scheduler. It's an inclusive range so 11:00-19:00 will catch something scheduled to start at 11:00 or 19:00 as well as in between. You can specify just a start or end time too to mean after or before. For instance 19:00 - means between 7pm and midnight.
Exactly, so the weekend option is pretty useless then; it only works for series programmes that are on at the weekend and which don't occur during the week :( I thought that RS Automatic Scheduling could deal with it, but it seems it can't. The search picks up the programmes at the weekend only, but then it sends a series link to your Hummy, resulting in all the programmes being recorded.

Before I bought this Hummy I had a Toppy for years, which, sadly, gave up the ghost, but the MyStuff EPG TAP was fantastic, the best EPG ever! It had no problems excluding individual programmes that were part of a series link. It had tons of options as well, the 'Power Search' (title+series link) feature would search everything, and you could include or exclude individual channels, such as +1s. Maybe the guys who write the custom firmware could take a look at the MyStuff EPG TAP and incorporate some or all of it's features, I really, really miss it.
Exactly, so the weekend option is pretty useless then; it only works for series programmes that are on at the weekend and which don't occur during the week :( I thought that RS Automatic Scheduling could deal with it, but it seems it can't.

Just set it to schedule them as individual events and it should be fine.
Yep, but I will have to remember to do it every weekend, which is an absolute pain, series link was suppose to fix that problem! I'm amazed that you can't exclude programmes which are series linked on the Humax.

RS Auto could deal with it, all it needs to do is be smart enough to send a single programme to the Hummy.
When you get the form up "Add new automatic entry", change where it says "Series" to "Event". Then each match found for the search criteria will be sent to the HDR-FOX as a separate event, not series linked. To handle programmes that occur at weekends you need two auto-searches, one for Saturday and the other for Sunday. These will recur indefinitely.

What you can't do is have a series-linked recording programmed on the HDR-FOX and have individual control of programmes in the same series at the same time. Delete your series recording from the HDR-FOX schedule, make sure it syncs with the RS, then handle it all individually (as a recurring match) from the RS site.
Yep - this is the bit you want.


I think you need to 'chill a little' with your comments, as has already been pointed out, the Custom Firmware has been produced by a group of forum users, who give their time to the project for nothing, It's not as if you are getting bad value for money out of them is it?, the money you paid for your PVR went to Humax not the user group. We wouldn't want the guys who write the Custom Firmware to walk away from the project would we, there are better ways of asking for the things you want to be given to you free of charge
Sorry but this is getting a bit ridiculous, all I'm trying to do is point out some problems I have had and make the website better.

I didn't expect this response, what's the use of this forum if you can't highlight a problem?
Sorry but this is getting a bit ridiculous, all I'm trying to do is point out some problems I have had and make the website better. I didn't expect this response, what's the use of this forum if you can't highlight a problem?

And have you achieved what you set out do if the guy who writes the code gets so p***ed off with you that he just replies "Up Yours Mate". You seem to be using the Boss / Worker approach, BUT, these guys don't work for you ! !
I set out to improve the web site by pointing out the problems I had and to help anybody else that might have the same problems. As I have already said, I appreciate what the programmers are trying to do, I just didn't expect this type of response.
I have tried to record my local news programme that occurs at the weekend using the Automatic Scheduling on the Remote Scheduling website, but it doesn't work properly.

It doesn't work as you expect, but that is a misunderstanding of how the Humax works rather than a fault with RS. Please see my response in the other thread. There is a straightforward way of achieving what you want.
I set out to improve the web site by pointing out the problems I had and to help anybody else that might have the same problems. As I have already said, I appreciate what the programmers are trying to do, I just didn't expect this type of response.
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