As the thread title. Seriesfiler has worked well until a couple of weeks back; there have been no changes to the box so I am at a loss what to do.
I've tried removing and reinstating the package but to no avail.
Any thoughts, oh helpful forumites?
This is being discussed on the series filer conflict thread HERE. It looks like series filer needs the sed program which is a stand alone package and is also part of busybox that was upgraded on the 2nd. Jan
The latest busybox update does not include a sed applet. I presumed there was no need since there is a fully fledged version of it in the custom firmware under /bin.
Not a valid presumption in the case of seriesfiler though as it uses explicit paths to binaries rather than setting a path and letting the system find the required programs.
I will update the seriesfiler package later this evening to resolve this.
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