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Should I update firmware?


I still run with Humax firmware v1.02.32 and CF v2.20. I never use the Portal ( let's be honest - it's pretty crap ) and for anything but live TV I stream from my iPad via appletv. So given that is there any convincing reason for me to update either firmware? The later Humax firmware doesn't appear to fix anything I use and sounds sluggish. The custom firmware I have works well and I can't think of anything significant I'm lacking ( though it would be nice to be able to tune to multiple transmitters without messing up recording schedules it's hardly essential ).
So what do you think?
I'm inclined to leave that until something I use stops working, but with unsupported ( ie "stable" ) software that sounds unlikely. Wouldn't I be opting for the certainty of a slower epg against the possibility of a future unknown glitch?

Maybe some sort of external change, in broadcast format or embedded info, might force an update in cf either to access something I would like or to keep something working.
You would only get the slower EPG if you went for something based on 1.03.12.
CFW 3.10 is available with 1.02.32.
Wouldn't I be opting for the certainty of a slower epg against the possibility of a future unknown glitch?
No. The reason being that prpr is suggesting 1.02.32 CF 3.10 which is not a change to the Humax software you are running. The navigation speed of the epg would remain the same.
If you update to the latest version of custom firmware based upon Humax firmware 1.02.32 (as suggested by prpr) the guide is unaffected. The more sluggish guide is only an issue with 1.03.xx versions of the Humax firmware. Edit, beaten to it by af123 and Luke: is this this the record for near simultaneous replies?
No. The reason being that prpr is suggesting 1.02.32 CF 3.10 which is not a change to the Humax software you are running. The navigation speed of the epg would remain the same.

Of course - stupid me, I misread his post and thought he was proposing updating the hummy firmware. I'll have a look at the cf update. Many thanks.
Something you use has stopped working - all your packages can no longer be upgraded.

True, but as they still work no problem unless I want the upgrade. We have a near 30 year old Amiga 500 that still works, though to be fair there have been a few developments in computing since that it can't take advantage of!

Sorry I misread your original reply.
You can always go back if you really don't like it or something stops working. But you will never know until you try it.

As you will have gathered I'm of the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" tendency but I'll give it a go. Thanks.