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Sidecar Files not generating nts file

I agree. There is clearly no clue what's going wrong when using the WebIF as a command shell, so seeing the nuts and bolts is a necessity to debugging. It's no good trying that on another system where it works!

The "command line stuff" is simple enough - just follow the instructions for Telnet (search the wiki), and copy in the given command.
I was just explaining why the "I can't be arsed to try new stuff" approach doesn't cut it. Either you want a resolution or you don't - a total wipe out and re-install might work, but it provides no information (and contribution of information got us where we are today).
Well ... prpr was right, it made no difference at all, the HDD test found no faults, the re-install did not fix the problem either.

Looks like I will have to try command line alternative as raydon suggests, I will report back here with the results.
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BH said:
I was just explaining why the "I can't be arsed to try new stuff" approach doesn't cut it
My comment was at prpr BH.;)

@FC. It was prpr who said it wouldn't, not raydon.
I'm Back ...

I finally figured out how to use the telnet putty program, it's not unlike old MS-DOS which I remember from a very long time ago.
I used the wiki as BH suggested and found to my surprise I actually understood it, so I went ahead and used the telnet putty program to access the cli side of sidecar files.

Well ... it worked perfectly, even on HD files I tested on, so well done raydon for your help.

I checked the debug log and there were no errors, but I still have the same problem using the webif GUI.
The only thing I can think of now is to re-install the webif and it see if that fixes the problem.

Thanks for all for your comments guys .... good and bad, have a nice day.
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Yes, but this time I forced a re-install of the webif, still not working though ... don't know what to try next to get the webif working with sidecar files.
Are there any messages in the webif-error log or your browsers console log?
Which browser are you using? Have you tried a different browser?
The webif-error.log is always zero bytes each time I try sidecar files, I am using Firefox v39.0 and I tried Internet Explorer 11.
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While there are plenty of folk here switched on about Sidecar I have a silly problem.
I have a sigle encrypted HD recording with no sidecar files at all, I foolishly deleted those files after moving this recording off my old HDD (that was in this Humax earlier) and back onto my Humax with it's fresh new HDD so I can't get the sidecar files for this exact recording.
Without the sidecar files I can't decrypt it :( or play it!
Without it decrypted I can't use Sidecar :(

Can I get some kind of files generated to enable me to play it/decrypt it in some way?
You can fabricate a .hmt file by copying/renaming another one and then setting the encrypted bit manually with the hmt utility. You'll need to use a telnet command line session though.

I'd have thought it should be easy for sidecar to create a dummy .hmt file if it detects an encrypted recording (rather than issuing an error message), with the proviso that this is just to allow decryption and that once done you would have to run it again to recreate the files properly.
I renamed three sidecar files from a different film and placed them in the folder and autoDecrypt is trying but failing.
I shall find this HMT utility and the encrypted bit bit now ...
Menu version 1.12
Enter system PIN: ****

      |  T E L N E T   M E N U  |

  [ Humax HDR-Fox T2 (HDRFOX1) 1.02.20/3.02 ]

    1 - Restart into maintenance mode.
    2 - Remove web interface password.
stat - Show what the box is currently doing.
    x - Exit and close connection.
rset - Reset custom firmware environment.
srma - Set return-to-manufacturer (RMA) mode.
diag - Run a diagnostic.
  cli - System command line (advanced users).

Please select option: cli

Now starting a system command prompt. You can make this the default by
enabling 'Expert mode telnet server' on the web interface settings page.

Humax HDR-Fox T2 (HDRFOX1) 1.02.20/3.02

To return to the menu, type: exit

HDRFOX1# hmt
Humax HMT Tool v2.0.4, by af123, 2011-2015.

Syntax: hmt [command] <filename> [filename] ...
    +/-new        Mark/unmark recording as new.
    +/-lock       Mark/unmark recording as locked.
    +/-guidance   Mark/unmark recording as having guidance.
    +/-protect    Enable/disable protection (prevents decryption on copy).
    +/-encrypted  Mark/unmark recording as encrypted.
    +/-shrunk     Mark/unmark recording as shrunk.
    +/-dedup      Mark/unmark recording as deduped.
    -p            Display parseable file information (see *).
    -list         Display file information (default).
    -bookmarks    Display bookmarks.
    +settitle=<new title>
    +setsynopsis=<new synopsis>
    +setguidance=<new guidance>
    +setfolder=<new folder> (patch hmt only)
    +setfilename=<new filename> (patch hmt only)
    +setgenre=<genre> (can just specifiy initial part)
    +setresume=<resume point (seconds)> (-seconds to set from end)

Generic patch commands:
    +patch8=offset:value     patch 8-bit value
    +patch16=offset:value    patch 16-bit value
    +patch32=offset:value    patch 32-bit value
  Offset and value can be preceeded with 0x to indicate hex.

* Parseable output is tab delimited and contains the following fields:
        Title, Synopsis, HD/SD, LCN, Channel Name,
        Start time, End time, Flags, Guidance, Bookmark count,
        Scheduled start, Scheduled duration, Genre code,
        Resume point, Status/Reason.

The command you want is hmt +encrypted <filename_without_.hmt>

Just enter hmt <filename_without_.hmt> to get a listing of the recording's properties.
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