Signal strength greyed out


New Member
I am trying to set up our Humax T2 box to record from terrestrial freeview but am having some issues. The TV is connected to the Hummy via the "antenna out" port and works fine* (signal quality is 96% and signal level 100%). However, the "signal strength" menu option is greyed out on the Hummy and signal quality and strength are both 0%. Given that this is quite an old piece of kit, I am wondering if a component has failed somewhere or if there is a (relatively) simple fix that will brng it back to life? I tried "factory reset" on the Hummy but that did not help

Thanks in advance!

* It worked until I started fiddling and now I only get a signal on the TV when the Hummy is powered on.
I tried "factory reset" on the Hummy but that did not help
What was the outcome of the restore factory defaults operation (which I take to be Menu >> Settings >> Installation >> Factory Default)? It should have started (what we call) the Installation Wizard, asking for some preferences and performing a retune. Were any services tuned? If there are no tuned services, you can't read their signal strengths.

now I only get a signal on the TV when the Hummy is powered on
That's easy: Menu >> Settings >> System >> Power Management >> Power Saving in Standby. If you set that to "On", the unit adopts the minimum standby power state with no UHF pass-through and no clock on the display. "On" is probably the factory default state.
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What was the outcome of the restore factory defaults operation (which I take to be Menu >> Settings >> Installation >> Factory Default)? It should have started (what we call) the Installation Wizard, asking for some preferences and performing a retune. Were any services tuned? If there are no tuned services, you can't read their signal strengths.

That's easy: Menu >> Settings >> System >> Power Management >> Power Saving in Standby. If you set that to "On", the unit adopts the minimum standby power state with no UHF pass-through and no clock on the display. "On" is probably the factory default state.
Thanks - that sorted that issue out! 1 down, 1 to go!
But you haven't said enough about the issue for us to know where to start advising you.
Sorry - missed your comment about the tuned services - there were no tuned services after the factory reset. So far I have tried "automatic search", then manual search using DVB-T and DVB-T2 plus 7 Mhz and 8 Mhz bandwidth. No channels found in any of the searches. What additional info would be helpful?
Try that again, but this time disconnect the HDMI cable just before you start the auto-search.

I hope that's the wrong way around.
Sorry - signal level is 96% and quality is 100% :oops:

I tried tuning with the HDMI cable removed - it's a bit tricky coordinating things as there is no hummy display on the TV screen when the HDMI cable is disconnected - but there are still no channels found
I was trying to eliminate the possibility of HDMI interference obliterating the incoming UHF.

I think your unit is buggered. Worth trying a system flush (nothing to lose), but other than that...
Download this and unzip it to a UPD that you know works to update the HDR-FOX, then treat it as a firmware update. It won't update the firmware, but it will do a "deep reset" on the flash memory file system.
Download this and unzip it to a UPD that you know works to update the HDR-FOX, then treat it as a firmware update. It won't update the firmware, but it will do a "deep reset" on the flash memory file system.
Hi unzipped the HDF file to a USB drive, inserted it in the back of the hummy, powered off at the mains then powered on holding down the power button on the from of the hummy. The update was applied successfully but the box still can't find any channels so it looks like we will be upgrading to an Aura. Thanks for your help and patience
so it looks like we will be upgrading to an Aura. Thanks for your help and patience
If you upgrade(?) to an Aura you may find you need patience and help. It's an acquired taste and can be infuriating at times. Mine has some quirky behaviour. When it works properly, it does the job.
If you upgrade(?) to an Aura you may find you need patience and help. It's an acquired taste and can be infuriating at times. Mine has some quirky behaviour. When it works properly, it does the job.
Ah, sounds ominous ... at least I know where to come if I have any issues!