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Sky Player?


New Member
Hi - Just purchased my first Humax box a HD Fox T2 and was hoping that we could stream a few Sky Channels which will keep my wife happy. We have a SKYID

Been reading on here a bit that I need to install customised firmware version 1.14 but on Firmware_Downloads page, that specific package has been taken off and it seems version 1.17 is the only one available.

Does anyone know whether v1.17 has Sky Player?
It means v1.14+ (in other words 1.14 onwards)

The Sky Player is available in the Custom Portal package but according to reports, not all channels are available.
To elaborate on that a bit, the custom firmware (v1.17 or whatever the latest is) is only the skeleton which allows the custom software packages to be downloaded, installed, and run on demand or by schedule. Once you have loaded the custom firmware, you then take control with a web browser and install what you want (in this case the custom portal package).
This makes sense - so tonight I will first install the firmware v1.17. Does anyone have the link for the Custom Portal Package? Been looking for 5 mins without any luck, guess i'm still figuring my way around the forum.

Many thanks for your help!
The thread is in the "customised" section of the forum.
You add the package by using the webif page.

The wiki might be a good place to look into all this before starting.
I'm completely lost - managed to install the firmware and have located the Custom TV Portal file (custom-portal_1.12_mipsel.opk) but I have no idea how to get it onto the Humax. For all my reading on the forum still don't understand WebIf....help!
From the start (these instructions apply to the HD-FOX, ignore step 2 for HDR-FOX):
  1. Install the custom firmware as a firmware upgrade (by USB stick) - now at v2.0
  2. Remove the firmware upgarde USB stick and fit an Ext3-formatted hard drive or an Ext2-formatted USB stick (if you don't want to do any recording).
  3. Point your web browser at the IP address for the Humax, and you should get the minimal web interface, which will have a control on it to download the full custom software from the Internet. Download and reboot.
  4. Now you will have the full web interface, and all you need to do to load other packages is click "package management" and then the "available" tab. Custom-portal is listed. If you don't see it in the list, you may need to go into "settings" from the home page and enable advanced packages.
  5. Just click "Install". No messing about with the .opk file.
If you don't understand what any of those steps mean, please refer to the references already mentioned.
Being totally new to all this i didnt realise initially that you needed a PC to access the Web If and assumed it was done through some kind of menu on the T2.
Dont make this schoolboy error. :frantic: Cue laughs from the back
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