Slideshow from NAS - Photo order

I have had a HDR Fox T2 for some years and it has happily updated its firmware unnoticed.
I have just set up a Synology NAS and am experimenting with viewing my albums on the Humax.
I have encountered 2 immediate problems plus a third which I have solved:
1 - the default slideshow order is filename ascending. Since both my wife and I have pictures in the same album it would be better to order by date and time taken. Is this possible?
2 - the default timing for each slide is too short - can it be adjusted? At the moment the processing time for the next jpeg is considedably longer than the period for whjch each picture is on the screen

3 - already worked around. My first attempt to get this working was to look at RAW files (Canon CR2) already on the NAS. The pictures occupied only about 25% of the TV screen. However Jpegs made from the RAW files fill the screen. With the RAW files am I simply seeing a thumbnail? Does the Humax not support RAW?

I have posted this in Custom firmware as I can find no settings in the official firmware to deal with 1 & 2 above. Apologies if I am in the wrong place.
I will certainly welcome any thoughts.
The HDR-FOX makes a lousy photo viewer, and that's all there is to it - I gave it up as a bad job years ago, and there's nothing we can do to fix it. It's not much better as an MP3 player either.

What I don't remember off-hand is whether the aspect ratio is displayed correctly. Something in the back of my mind says the image gets stretched to fill the display whatever aspect it is originally, but I might be wrong on that - it certainly does it with video!*

As for RAW, no of course it doesn't support it - the files are far too big, and every camera manufacturer's idea of RAW is different. Only professionals and dedicated enthusiasts put up with the size of RAW files, and if you are into that kind of quality you won't be wanting to display them with the Humax.

* See post 6
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Thanks for the very quick reply which was really what I expected! I did just wonder if I had missed anything in the standard firmware menus or whethet it was something that the custom firmware might have fixed. It was NOT a "feature request"!
Thanks also for the heads up on aspect ratio which I had not noticed at this stage. And the confirmation that what I am seeing with RAW is the embedded thumbnail.
Thanks, sgain
Something you might be interested in: I have not tried it, but some PC software called TVersity claims to be able to share a PC's screen across the network by DLNA. If that worked out, it would mean using any software you like to run a slide show on the PC and export it to the TV via a network connection to the Humax.

Alternatively pre-create a slide show in Windows Movie Maker or something, and export it as a .mpg or .mp4 file (rather like creating a DVD), pop the .mpg onto the Humax and play.

Your TV might be able to do either of these without the Humax - practically all recent flat-panel TVs have a USB socket and .mpg player capability, and smart TVs have DLNA clients.
Thanks, again. I had thought of doing a slide show as a "movie" but that wa snot really the point. I bought the NAS as convenient storage for my photos and it has the extra benfit that I can access them form anywhere even when the PC is off. It would have been convenient to be able to look at them on the TV to sshow friends without a lot of hassle. In fact, I can most easily do that by connectin a laptop to the TV by HDMI or by VGA and let the laptop access the files.
The frustrating thing is that my tablet can access the files very easily - no aspect problems or anything else except screen size. The TV is an early flat screen so won't help - no ethernet.

I had just though that the Humax MIGHT be able to do something clever. I was very surprised not to find a "file order" or file selection menu and thought thatI was being thick. And if I was not then maybe CF had somethingto help.
What I don't remember off-hand is whether the aspect ratio is displayed correctly. Something in the back of my mind says the image gets stretched to fill the display whatever aspect it is originally, but I might be wrong on that - it certainly does it with video!
On second thoughts this is not correct. I'm pretty sure the aspect ratio is displayed correctly (assuming a square pixel), but I doubt the orientation flag will be acted on.
Orientation flag is not acted upon, and that applies to photos on the Humax itself. So portriat jpeg's straight from the camera will be depicted as landscape. But jpeg's made from the RAW files will have used the orienation flag in their production so WILL show in portrait mode on the Humax.

I'm back to using a laptop with a video lead to the TV.
Thanks fo rall your help