Software to edit .ts files on a Mac


Can anyone recommend or comment on software to edit .ts files effectively on a Mac?

I have read the wiki entry on editing but that is PC specific. I am looking for something more precise than Nicesplice that can (quoting from the wiki entry) :

  1. Take native *.ts files (SD and HD) as downloaded off the box and import/load straight into the editing program
  2. Allow simple trims to remove lead ins/outs and advert breaks
  3. Output to a format that would play back on the Hummy (including trick play aka transport controls) or via a USB or network drive (with or without DLNA) without the need for additional transcoding steps
I could have mentioned that the only such files I want to edit have been created on the HDR T2 and copied off while using CF, but their origin may not actually be that important.