I have not yet found a new series to try it on.
I did the test on American Dad in a new folder.
As you can see in the images attached. The episodes name only uses ' when sweeper is used.
The sweeper rules are the de-dup ones built it to WebIF.
Good: the episode name in Media Details is initially correct. Somehow it's getting changed incorrectly in
Most programme metadata, such that shown in Media Details, is saved in the accompanying .hmt file. Unusually, the episode name is recomputed each time using a procedure like this:
- Remove any common prefixes ("New series", etc) from the programme synopsis, and also anything after and including the first ":" .
- Trim the result to 40 characters and make this the episode name (at this point we may also have some further metadata like series/episode number).
- If the programme folder has been synced with theTVDB, try to match the programme against each series whose id is linked to the folder.
- Use the EpisodeName from matching theTVDB <episode> content; otherwise use the previously guessed episode name.
This is what shows in the episode name field of Media Details.
But when the same value is computed by
Sweeper the undecoded XML entity is being shown. As far as I can see no web interfaces are used in running
Sweeper's automatic processing, so there are no opportunities for incorrect coding-decoding. So the observed behaviour is consistent with the use of the old
(which didn't decode numerically coded XML entities), or some defective version, as this would cause the entity to be shown decoded in the WebIf "Media Details" and not in
Here's the XML text that I just fetched from theTVDB for the relevant episode.
<Director>|Rodney Clouden|</Director>
<EpisodeName>Portrait of Francine's Genitals</EpisodeName>
<Overview>Stan is embarrassed when a painting of Francine's genitals, done by a famous artist, is unveiled at the museum. Steve turns to helping people after masturbation is ruined by his mom's portrait.</Overview>
<Writer>|Steve Hely|</Writer>
<thumb_added>2019-11-13 11:17:27</thumb_added>
Similar text should be found in your
, which you could inspect, eg with the WebIf Diagnostics>File Editor. To get the
Sweeper episode name wrong, this must have been incorrectly parsed to extract "Portrait of Francine's Genitals" instead of "Portrait of Francine's Genitals".
Let's see that in action. In a telnet or webshell session, type
and Enter, to start the Jim interpreter. Then enter the 4 commands shown after the initial '.' (Jim's prompt; don't type that):
# jimsh
Welcome to Jim version 0.79
. source /mod/webif/lib/setup
. require ts.class
. set tt [ts fetch {/media/My Video/American Dad!/American Dad!_20210111_2358.ts}]
. $tt episode_name
Portrait of Francine's Genitals
. exit
If the result of the command
$tt episode_name
isn't as shown, that would be very interesting.
This example is odd as it also uses the wrong episode name, something I haven't noticed before.
In image 1 the synopsis says 'Shell Game: ......' which is the episode name but for sone reason it uses 'Portrait of Francine's Genitals' and then sweeper use '.
The data from theTVDB.com (as quoted above) disagrees with the transmitted EPG data. One would have to watch the show to know which is correct. The matcher (as described above) believes the series/episode number ahead of the guessed episode name, but you can manually override the episode selection from the TVDB data with the "Change" button.