Strange schedule problem


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For reason best known to themselves the BBC swapped the order of Debatable and Celebrity Eggheads so that Debatable now precedes Oeufs instead of following it.

The Humax recording schedule didn't pick up the changes correctly until the Thursday and thinks both programmes are scheduled for the same time and channel for Mon, Tues and Wed
Fullscreen capture 09052017 112557.jpg
The webif EPG is correct but the RS version shows two episodes of Debatable and no Eggheads
Fullscreen capture 09052017 112225.jpg Fullscreen capture 09052017 112249.jpg

Apart for the RS EPG anomaly this is primarily a fault in the Humax's response to a schedule change but is there anything that could be done in the Customised Firmware to assist?

I was able to to use the refresh events schedule option to correct the recording schedule but that requires a reboot. Could refresh events be added to RTS?

Could we automate recognition of schedule changes and update the recording schedule? I know I have asked this before in regards to overrunning sporting events where the BBC suddenly moves stuff to BBC2