Suggestion for webif/rs improvement


Well-Known Member
Currently to delete a schedule entry you have to do them one at a time. I believe that series will expire after 3 months? but it is still too cluttered.
Would it be possible to add a tick box to every entry and process say a batch delete?
There is but it's an all or nothing thing. Sometimes you want to select several, not all. Individual is too tedious.
I agree - this would be a good improvement.
RS is better at this as a little while ago I made the screen not refresh when you're deleting a schedule entry which makes it fairly quick to go down and delete each in turn. (I don't think anyone noticed : ) )
I agree - this would be a good improvement.
RS is better at this as a little while ago I made the screen not refresh when you're deleting a schedule entry which makes it fairly quick to go down and delete each in turn. (I don't think anyone noticed : ) )
done it and saw the speed, thanks. any progress on the tick box?
In WebIf epg it would be nice if
either: You could pick a time (nearest hour) to jump to,
or: You could action 'Later' without having to wait for the whole epg to (re)load each time.

The reason is that if I'm using it in the morning to set up stuff for the evening it takes forever to actually get to the evening. And if you jump out to, say, check the schedule you've got to do it all again :mad:
So currently I tend to use the Humax/TV interface to set my programmes up and then WebIf to change series folders, which is a bit of a faff.
I noticed a couple of days ago the changed webif and I thought it was something not working ok on my phone. I initially thought I don't like this, perhaps the change resistant in me. Once I gave it a proper look I found the boxes we talked about and realised what a great change it was. hats off to af123.