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    Please bear with us as we continue to tweak things, and feel free to post any questions, issues or suggestions in the upgrade thread.

New Support for Jim syntax highlighting


Staff member
I've added a module for formatting jim code in code blocks... XenForo supports dozens of languages out of the box but not this one and, since it's used a lot in the custom firmware packages, we should have it.

Jim Code:
set nocommit 0
if {[llength $argv] < 1} {
        sleep [rand 0 120]
} elseif {[lindex $argv 0] eq "nocommit"} {
        set nocommit 1
} elseif {[lindex $argv 0] ne "now"} {
        set delay [lindex $argv 0]
        if {![string is digit -strict $delay]} {
                puts "Syntax error."
        sleep [rand 0 $delay]

proc ack {cid} {
        if {[string is integer -strict $cid]} {
                exec /mod/bin/rs ack $cid

Just use the insert code menu, or standard [code=jim]...[/code] tags.
(or, with markdown enabled ```jim ... ``` )