Support for spaces in wifi passphrase?


New Member
I tried to connect my brand new 1010s to wifi and after hours of trying different things I have found that although the on screen interface allows spaces it does not seem to actually send them.

Is there a software update I can get that will allow spaces?

The Humax product support page for the 1010s currently has no links for updates, videos or manuals.
I think that the only way forward is for you to change your wifi password so that it does not contain any spaces. I think it is fairly unlikely that Humax will release a software update that will allow spaces.
That is a real pity as surely the fix is a five minute job.
Load code that saves passwords, find bit that strips out spaces, update it, job done.
I am guessing the code is looking for characters that should not be in the password, but according to the wifi alliance specs any byte values are supported so as well as spaces all manor of punctuation characters should be supported.
But the thing that really annoys, is the interface actively lets you select spaces.
Why not simply replace the spaces with underscore characters (_), which has been supported for years ?. Neither offers any security advantages
Except I would have to reconfigure not only all my devices but those of my friends and family that did support the standards.
unfortunately not. But I have found my netgear wifi router has a GUEST network option so I enabled that and gave it a pass-phrase with no spaces. Not ideal but gets the job done.