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    • peterpi
      peterpi reacted to Newcoppiceman's post in the thread Start Up Fails When HDD Connected with Like Like.
      HDD 12V switch schematic attached showing U24, now believed to be an FDC658 P-channel Mosfet (not as previously stated in post #80)...
    • peterpi
      peterpi reacted to Oliver's post in the thread Start Up Fails When HDD Connected with Like Like.
      Hi, it seems I'm the latest to have this fault and thank you to Black Hole for advising me in another post. I have gone through this...
    • peterpi
      peterpi reacted to Newcoppiceman's post in the thread Start Up Fails When HDD Connected with Like Like.
      There's a risk of damage to the board with cutting, in particular you may lift tracks - which is really bad news. Provided the...
    • peterpi
      peterpi replied to the thread Startup loop problem.
      Job done, but I couldn't change the 4.7uf capacitor. My trusty Weller TCP iron and finest bit work, but I don't trust my seventy plus...
    • peterpi
      peterpi replied to the thread Startup loop problem.
      I've take your advice had a proper look at that page, and it certainly looks like it is that capacitor, doesn't it. I felt it might be a...
    • peterpi
      peterpi replied to the thread Startup loop problem.
      I only looked at the page the link took me to but I can see there is quite a long thread there. I shall start at the very beginning.
    • peterpi
      peterpi reacted to Black Hole's post in the thread Startup loop problem with Like Like.
      No, only what we've bleeped out ourselves. But why are you reinventing the wheel? Your symptoms are exactly what has already been...
    • peterpi
      peterpi replied to the thread Startup loop problem.
      Yes it does need a bit of air dusting. I am wondering if there is a short glitch in the power supply to the main board. I've not put a...
    • peterpi
      peterpi reacted to prpr's post in the thread Startup loop problem with Like Like.
      Sounds like the Newcoppiceman capacitor problem to me. Looks like it could do with a dust/vacuum out. Changing the power supply probably...
    • peterpi
      My T2 is starting and a second or so after the FW notice is shown, it shuts down and starts up again. I've done a bit of trouble...
      • Power Connector.jpg
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