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Sweeper stopped working (and possibly other stuff)


Active Member
I've noticed that sweeper has stopped moving Kids recordings into my designated folder (/media/Kids). Auto.log shows the following

05/05/2014 19:50 - Moving /media/My Video/Diddy Movies_20140503_1548.ts to Kids
05/05/2014 19:50 - Plugin error: couldn't exec "/mod/bin/busybox/mv"

My /mod/bin/busybox folder listing shows the following, with an error against mv as well as other files...

LHumax# cd /mod/bin/busybox/
LHumax# ls
ls: ./mv: Input/output error
ls: ./bzcat: Input/output error
ls: ./time: Input/output error
ls: ./rpm: Input/output error
ls: ./pwd: Input/output error
ls: ./true: Input/output error
ls: ./chgrp: Input/output error
ls: ./lzopcat: Input/output error
ls: ./cpio: Input/output error
ls: ./unlzop: Input/output error
ls: ./wc: Input/output error
[          cp          ftpput      lsusb      patch      sha512sum  uname
[[          cut        fuser      lzcat      pgrep      sleep      uniq
ar          date        grep        lzma        ping        sort        unix2dos
arp        dc          gunzip      lzop        pkill      split      unlzma
arping      dd          gzip        md5sum      pmap        stat        unxz
ash        df          hd          mkdir      printenv    strings    unzip
awk        diff        head        mkdosfs    printf      stty        uptime
base64      dirname    hexdump    mkfifo      ps          sum        usleep
basename    dos2unix    ifconfig    mkfs.vfat  pstree      swapoff    uudecode
bunzip2    du          inotifyd    mknod      pwdx        swapon      uuencode
busybox    echo        insmod      mkswap      readlink    sync        vi
bzip2      ed          install    mktemp      realpath    sysctl      watch
cal        egrep      iostat      modinfo    renice      tail        wget
cat        env        kill        modprobe    resize      tar        which
catv        ether-wake  killall    more        rm          tee        who
chmod      expr        killall5    mpstat      rmdir      telnet      whoami
chown      false      less        nc          rmmod      test        xargs
chroot      fgrep      ln          netstat    route      timeout    xz
cksum      find        logname    nice        sendmail    top        xzcat
clear      fold        losetup    nmeter      seq        touch      yes
cmp        free        ls          nohup      sh          tr          zcat
comm        fsync      lsmod      nslookup    sha1sum    traceroute
conspy      ftpget      lsof        od          sha256sum  tty

Previous auto.log entries suggest it worked until last Saturday. Running latest webif. Is something broken?
That looks like a disk problem though - it would be worth doing a maintenance mode disk check.