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Telnet Prompt

Black Hole

May contain traces of nut
It's only a minor irritation, but running the Windows7 Telnet client when I connect to either HDR-FOX or HD-FOX the Humax# prompt is always doubled (two lines). I'm used to old-fashioned serial line terminals doing a local echo of your typed line and then getting a repeat back from the remote end (if you don't turn it off), but this is the string being originated from the remote end twice.

Does it do that for everyone, and if not how do I stop it?

All I can think of is an incompatibility between Windows and Linux - maybe CR-LF is being interpreted as two end-of-lines?
You're right, the remote end is interpreting it as two separate newlines, most likely because the telnet client is sending a telnet newline escape sequence as well as a CR/LF.

Windows telnet isn't the greatest client out there but you could try the two different crlf options that it has:

Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Client

Escape Character is 'CTRL+]'

Microsoft Telnet> set crlf
New line mode - Causes return key to send CR & LF
Microsoft Telnet> open humax

If that doesn't work, try
unset crlf

PuTTY works very well - you just need to make sure you untick the box under Connection->Telnet->Return key sends Telnet New Line instead of ^M or you'll get the same problem.