Thank you, whoever you are!


New Member
Don't know whether this is exactly the right section of the forum, but... I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to whoever thunk up the iplfix package. To my feather-spitting annoyance I've been without access to the iPlayer on my HDR FOX-T2 box for ages ...until I checked in here today, discovered iplfix and installed it. Late to the game I may be, but no less grateful for that. Cheers! :)
Don't know whether this is exactly the right section of the forum
It'll do.
I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to whoever thunk up the iplfix package.
'twas me, but built on the knowledge gleaned from many other past contributors, as well as my own. Thanks for the thanks.
To my feather-spitting annoyance I've been without access to the iPlayer on my HDR FOX-T2 box for ages ...until I checked in here today, discovered iplfix and installed it. Late to the game I may be, but no less grateful for that.
For information: Humax released a firmware update which would do the same job, some months after our custom fix. However, installing the Humax version would not be beneficial to CF users (it would wipe out the CF), and they cocked up the equivalent update for HD-FOX rendering it a pain in the arse.