My introductory explanations don't go into that level of detail, I point people in the right direction then they go looking up the detail for themselves in the Wiki or a pertinent discussion topic. It is pointless typing the same stuff over and over again, especially if it wasn't me (or whoever) who worked it out and typed it up in the first place. At the top of this (and every) forum page there is a link to the Wiki, so if you want to know about setting up network shares... and if the Wiki doesn't help, the next port of call is the
Index to Existing Informative Thread (click), or failing that the search box (top right).
As for whether you have a HDR-FOX or not, the remark was not aimed at you particularly but a point of documentation for anybody else who might stumble by. The strength of sharing information on the forum is that it should serve anybody searching for a similar answer, and answers should bear in mind that anybody might read it.
However, so as not to be accused of "RTFM", let's take a step back and see what you are trying to do. You seem to have got all panicky and confused. There are usually several ways of achieving a specific goal, you don't want to be doing all of them at the same time.
I presume: you have an HDR-FOX; you have installed the custom firmware, then accessed the basic web interface and downloaded the custom software; you can open the full web interface from your browser.
So you click on "browse media files", then the My Video directory appears with your recordings or folders of series recordings listed. You find a nice StDef recording (with an "SD" icon against it), and click the "OPT+" button. Do you not see a list including the word "Download"?
By clicking on "Download" I expect your browser to ask you where to put the file (you might need to tell it that the Humax is safe to download from), and then download it at network speed.
To do the same for a HiDef file, first you need to go into the package management section of the WebIF, click the "update package list from internet" button, then the "available" tab, find "auto-unprotect" (alphabetical list) and use the button on the right to install it. Then give your Humax a reboot (which means turning it off - ie standby - for long enough for the system to do its housekeeping and the disk to spin down; you will hear the click, 30 seconds or so) just to be sure and wait a day for the auto-unprotect process to do its business. Then you will be able to do Downloads for HiDef files as well.
Note that auto-unprotect does not produce decrypted files - it only removes the protection flags which stop them being decrypted by other processes.
Now let's go back to the USB option. For files smaller than 4GB (several hours of StDef or iPlayer, less than an hour of HiDef), you're OK with FAT32. For portability with files bigger than 4GB, your best bet is NTFS but this is "read-only" (ie cannot be written to) unless you install a driver through the custom software. In package management "available" section, find "ntfs-3g". If it's not listed it might be because it's considered "advanced" and you need to turn on advanced options in the Settings screen from the WebIF front page. Install "ntfs-3g" and you will be able to use NTFS sticks/drives in the USB socket and write to them (as usual, before trying to use a newly installed package you might have to reboot, so reboot anyway). An alternative is to split a large file into smaller sections less than 4GB each, which is the "Split" option on the WebIF OPT+ menu.
StDef recordings can be copied straight to USB using the handset, and will be decrypted in the process. HiDef recordings first need the "Enc" flag cleared (either by auto-unprotect or by the WebIF OPT+ "Toggle Enc" option, the Enc flag is another icon in the media browser next to the OPT+ button), and can then be decrypt-copied the same as a StDef file.
Pre-decryption (either via the OPT+ menu "Decrypt" or using the background
unencrypt package), or decryption on download,
require auto-unprotect - toggling the Enc flag is not good enough. With both of these packages installed, up to 12 recordings made one day will be available pre-decrypted the next day for you to do what you will (presuming you leave the box turned on overnight to get on with it).
These decryption options are not available to HD-FOX.
Files that did not originate as HD/HDR-FOX recordings are not encrypted in the first place - eg imported media files or iPlayer rips (or at least, if they are, they were encrypted elsewhere and cannot be decrypted here). Thus all options for download, FTP, network access, or USB copy are unrestricted.