• The forum software that supports hummy.tv has been upgraded to XenForo 2.3!

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There is always one that doesn't grasp this stuff easily and thats me ....


Hi all, i am really sorry to be such a darned nuisance, i can see there is a lot of info on this site telling me what to do .... but i have to be honest i can't find what i need to know next .... i firmly believe it simply isn't there !!!!, can someone prove me wrong PLEASE

on my HDR-FOX T2 i have installed the latest official update and then i installed the Custom Software update. I then typed the Humax's IP address into my browsers address bar and it downloaded loads more stuff, like it showed in the Screenshots, finally it said `custom software is now installed, gr8 i thought.

i then return to my TV and press the Portal button on the Humax remote and everything on the TV screen is exactly the same ????.

I have also seen a lot of screenshots of a Web interface that i haven't yet been able to access ?? how please do i get the Web interface ?, this looks to be the page i need to be able to record bbc iPlayer programs ??? is it on my Lap Top or my TV ??

You have loaded the basic Custom Firmware package and some features are already in place , However other packages need to be selected and then installed seperatly using the Package Management page. There are two Custom TV portal packages available BUT they only appear if you install them. It looks like you have got to the 'Install Full Web Interface' stage CLICK HERE and follow the guide links
Hiya buddy, yeah just the one word did seem strange.

I now have the interface OK now :)

BUT i still can't find out how to record BBC iPlayer programs, perhaps i should start another thread ?.

The BBC I-Player file is automatically recorded (on the HDR-FOX T2 only, NOT the HD-FOX-T2) but you can only access it with the Custom Firmware THIS LINK shows you the screen you want, Click on 'Save last streamed Content'
OK thanks for that valuable information, i have now got the correct page as you so kindly described, thanks, i don't have an Archive folder yet as i haven't actually watched anything through BBC iPlayer with my Humax yet, so i am now playing (through my Humax and BBC iPlayer) a program i want to Save, i have already watched it once (through my Sony TV with Internet socket), so not wanting to watch it again, i have switched the TV off but left the Humax ON and playing the program, which i eventually want to put onto a DVD 9 disc, i have some software on my Apple mac book pro with which i have already burnt .TS files and converted to DVD Video, onto DVD 9 which play very nicely on a standard DVD player. I am sure the same software can handle MP4 files as well !. i hope.

So thanks to all the help i have received here today i should be very happy :)

The Archive sub folder was manually generated by me, but the same option will be available on every 'My Video' folder, Just one thing, There is only one buffer for the 'last streamed Content' so you must save your file before going back into the portal or it will be over written
Sorry but i am still struggling, I was going to put the MP4 file onto a 8gig memory stick. Obviously i need to Format it as EXT3,

so a typical user will want a USB hard disk drive connected that has been formatted via the HD-FOX settings menus (so that it is recordable) as Ext3.

the above is taken from the helpful GUIDE, which menu do i need please.

I don't fully understand, because my computer cannot read EXT3 so i can i get this file onto my computer to be able to convert it to DVD Video ???

can anyone help (again) please .

You can't format a stick to Ext3; you could try Ext2 but you need to boot Linux to do it easily.

Your best bet is going to be a WebIF download.
Hi Black Hole, so of course i now need to ask about WebIf !, i have read that WebiF gives me access to the EPG which is ok, but i still can't see the files that are stored ?

Perhaps if i connected up my NAS drive i could save it to that ?.

What do you think ?

When we talk about the WebIF (ie the web interface) that's what you see when you point your browser at the custom software. In the media browser (in the WebIF) each recording has an OPT+ button along side - click that and you get all the options available for the recording, including "download" (NOT HD-FOX, or at least it won't work). As long as the recording is StDef or is auto-unprotected HiDef, the download will transfer a decrypted copy over the network for you to store on the PC.

Alternatively you can split the recording into sections less than 4GB each, which is for the DLNA client bug but is also useful for storing files in chunks on a FAT32 stick.

As far as the NAS is concerned, you would have to use the custom software to create a network share from the Humax, and then you could use it as the destination for a remote control handset copy, which would decrypt in the process.
I am nearly giving up LOL, thanks for your help on this, i am pleased you are being very patient with me, i do have a HDR Fox t2 so i don't have a problem with that.

So i have now fired up and connected my NAS drive, i can see the Public folder ok, so NOW i need to fully understand what you say in your last post :-

"create a network share from the Humax, and then you could use it as the destination for a remote control handset copy, which would decrypt in the process."

so is this done from WebIf OR from my Humax settings menu ? i will then feel i am getting somewhere, i don't doubt all this valuable info has already been put in your help files but i'll be dammed if i can find it.

My introductory explanations don't go into that level of detail, I point people in the right direction then they go looking up the detail for themselves in the Wiki or a pertinent discussion topic. It is pointless typing the same stuff over and over again, especially if it wasn't me (or whoever) who worked it out and typed it up in the first place. At the top of this (and every) forum page there is a link to the Wiki, so if you want to know about setting up network shares... and if the Wiki doesn't help, the next port of call is the Index to Existing Informative Thread (click), or failing that the search box (top right).

As for whether you have a HDR-FOX or not, the remark was not aimed at you particularly but a point of documentation for anybody else who might stumble by. The strength of sharing information on the forum is that it should serve anybody searching for a similar answer, and answers should bear in mind that anybody might read it.

However, so as not to be accused of "RTFM", let's take a step back and see what you are trying to do. You seem to have got all panicky and confused. There are usually several ways of achieving a specific goal, you don't want to be doing all of them at the same time.

I presume: you have an HDR-FOX; you have installed the custom firmware, then accessed the basic web interface and downloaded the custom software; you can open the full web interface from your browser.

So you click on "browse media files", then the My Video directory appears with your recordings or folders of series recordings listed. You find a nice StDef recording (with an "SD" icon against it), and click the "OPT+" button. Do you not see a list including the word "Download"?

By clicking on "Download" I expect your browser to ask you where to put the file (you might need to tell it that the Humax is safe to download from), and then download it at network speed.

To do the same for a HiDef file, first you need to go into the package management section of the WebIF, click the "update package list from internet" button, then the "available" tab, find "auto-unprotect" (alphabetical list) and use the button on the right to install it. Then give your Humax a reboot (which means turning it off - ie standby - for long enough for the system to do its housekeeping and the disk to spin down; you will hear the click, 30 seconds or so) just to be sure and wait a day for the auto-unprotect process to do its business. Then you will be able to do Downloads for HiDef files as well. Note that auto-unprotect does not produce decrypted files - it only removes the protection flags which stop them being decrypted by other processes.

Now let's go back to the USB option. For files smaller than 4GB (several hours of StDef or iPlayer, less than an hour of HiDef), you're OK with FAT32. For portability with files bigger than 4GB, your best bet is NTFS but this is "read-only" (ie cannot be written to) unless you install a driver through the custom software. In package management "available" section, find "ntfs-3g". If it's not listed it might be because it's considered "advanced" and you need to turn on advanced options in the Settings screen from the WebIF front page. Install "ntfs-3g" and you will be able to use NTFS sticks/drives in the USB socket and write to them (as usual, before trying to use a newly installed package you might have to reboot, so reboot anyway). An alternative is to split a large file into smaller sections less than 4GB each, which is the "Split" option on the WebIF OPT+ menu.

StDef recordings can be copied straight to USB using the handset, and will be decrypted in the process. HiDef recordings first need the "Enc" flag cleared (either by auto-unprotect or by the WebIF OPT+ "Toggle Enc" option, the Enc flag is another icon in the media browser next to the OPT+ button), and can then be decrypt-copied the same as a StDef file.

Pre-decryption (either via the OPT+ menu "Decrypt" or using the background unencrypt package), or decryption on download, require auto-unprotect - toggling the Enc flag is not good enough. With both of these packages installed, up to 12 recordings made one day will be available pre-decrypted the next day for you to do what you will (presuming you leave the box turned on overnight to get on with it). These decryption options are not available to HD-FOX.

Files that did not originate as HD/HDR-FOX recordings are not encrypted in the first place - eg imported media files or iPlayer rips (or at least, if they are, they were encrypted elsewhere and cannot be decrypted here). Thus all options for download, FTP, network access, or USB copy are unrestricted.
Thanks Pal (if i may call you that ?) you are being very patient with me, i wish i had more patience with my "demented" old mum @ 88 !, you have now definitely given me enough info to progress much further and easier, i really do appreciate it.

I am, i admit getting on a bit myself @ 65 but i hoping, i am not YET ?, as bad as my mum currently is, in the memory department, although i do believe dementure is hereditary LOL.

Yes i obviously need to install some more of the available packages, this seems to be the best way to get to know what they do, thanks.

If it helps you or anybody else to give me a few more clues, when viewed in WebIf i only have an OPT+ button next to the file, (not SD or HD,) i am hoping to get on my computer, i click on the OPT+ button, i select the Download button, it opens up a new browser window and starts playing the mp4 file in the middle of the browser window, no option to save it anywhere that i can see.

i am now going to bed to calm down, the wife has taken over the TV watching Crufts and i hate the presenter etc. etc. thanks again

If it helps you or anybody else to give me a few more clues, when viewed in WebIf i only have an OPT+ button next to the file, (not SD or HD,) i am hoping to get on my computer, i click on the OPT+ button, i select the Download button, it opens up a new browser window and starts playing the mp4 file in the middle of the browser window, no option to save it anywhere that i can see.

A few confusing things here. First of all, the lack of SD or HD flags against the files in the media browser suggests these are not files recorded by the Humax. This seems to be confirmed by the MP4 reference - what's going on? Files downloaded having been recorded on the Humax would be .ts - are these rips from iPlayer?

The fact that your web browser plays the file instead of offering to save it means that the file type is recognised as one that the browser knows how to play. It probably wouldn't know how to play a .ts (not certain though), but you need to go into the browsers configuration and there is probably a setting to choose what it does according to what's coming down the line (save it or interpret it).

iPlayer grabs are not going to be very big at all, and they are not encrypted, so if you can't make your computer copy them across, you could always copy them to almost any USB stick/drive (even FAT32).
Hi mr Black Hole, i took the dog out instead of going to bed LOL.

Things are actually looking up :), you say about the MP4 file, i had to have a good think about that myself LOL, as far as i can recall, i must have recorded the file via the TV Portal button, Real Time, by selecting it from the BBC iPlayer via the TV Portal, does that make sense ?. (yeah i mentioned this in one of my earlier posts in this same thread LOL)

Yeah i know that TV programs recorded via the Humax EPG are saved onto the Humax hard drive as .TS files, because i have already used my Apple software to convert and burn .TS files to DVD Video. I am hoping this software will do the same for MP4 files :)

So if i can tell you of my GOOD news, during the task of trying to format my 8gig memory stick as NTFS i booted my Apple lap top into Windows 7, and i was amazed that while i was right clicking on my memory stick in Windows Explorer ...... my Humax and my NAS drive both showed up under Network !!!!, so I could and I did, very easily copy/move the MP4 file to anywhere i wanted to !!!!!!

Hmm... My Hummy shows up on my network too, but then I do have file sharing installed. I don't see how it would otherwise. I therefore conclude that you were successful in installing Samba (and that you have been under-estimating your abilities). However - thanks for the tip: I now realise I can use Windows Explorer to "do stuff" instead of resorting to FTP.

You will not have any success with .ts files using this method (unless you have decrypted them first), because it bypasses any of the mechanisms that would produce a decrypted copy.

As usual you will find my previous post (#16) now considerably expanded and refined.