Newbie here, spotted this thread, and considering doing much the same (buying an FVP-5000T and transferring recordings from a HDR-FOX T2). Starting with getting the files off the FOX T2, and having looked at
this thread (items 5 and 12) it seems all is not totally simple
. I'd like to know I've got it somewhere right before I start messing with it, can anyone spot any errors? AFAICT the sequence is (I have Win 10 computers):
1. Find a big enough USB drive (I have about 150 GB of recordings I would want to keep, no problem: I have a spare 250 GB external hard drive.)
2. Per item 12 of said thread ("quirk in the OPT+ copy operation"), there needs to be double the drive space of the (each?) recording being copied. Am I correct to assume this is per-recording copied, not total recordings size, i.e. if I have a single 3.5 GB recording .ts file (plus its 3 .xyz files) but only 2 GB left it won't copy correctly, but if there is say 8 GB left, it will. i.e. it doesn't mean that if I have 100 GB of recordings I need the drive to be bigger than 200 GB
3. As the FOX can't write to NTFS, and none of the files I need to copy are individually larger than 4GB nor are they HD, (and I don't really want or need to mess with Ext2/3 nor at present the custom software), format the drive as FAT32 (in Win 10).
4. Plug in drive and use the OPT+ button to copy files to the USB drive (to a new folder). Am I right I assuming this cannot be done in bulk and is by entering the Media display and using OPT+ for each folder or individual recording.
5. This will copy all files and decrypt them on the way (as they are not HD), with all the necessary .ts .hmt .nts and .thm files. They will play on a Win 10 machine, and Lo! we also have a backup of our Classic Programmes
I assume that copying these over to the FVP-5000T is much simpler, i.e. plug in USB drive, and use same copy/move function into the new PVR's disc.
Can anyone spot anything I've got wrong? Thanks. I've pretty much tested it thus far with a small file using a USB stick and SFSG, I think.
[Why go to a 5000? That's for another thread, I have read all the warnings]
Thanks in advance