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Transfering custom firmware to new drive.


I'm installing a new HDD into my humax. This is due to age and to achieve my current recordings.

I've installing the new drive and formatted it successfully. I am now copying my recordings across by putting my old HDD in a caddy and connecting it via the USB port.

My question is whether there is an easy way to transfer my custom firmware settings and packages? The firmware is still installed and I've downloaded the WebIF. Yet none of the old packages are available as they were installed on the old drive. Can I simply transfer the mod directory across, or will I need to reinstall all the packages and redo all the settings, such as my sweeper settings again?

Thanks for any support. I'm still using my humax after many years and still prefer to use it over my smart TV. Guess I'm a bit stick in my way.

As a side note I have two PSUs for my HDD caddy, one of them worked but caused lots of interference on the terrestrial channel reception. The second PSU worked as well but didn't cause the interference, so I used it instead.
I realised that I don't really understand why this might be. Is the first one damaged? Is there any learning you could direct me to to understand this phenomenon? Thanks again. Sometimes if you don't asked you will never know.
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Can I simply transfer the mod directory across
Yes. Something like this.
If you've already done the media, then just append mod/ to the source and destination strings in that command. It's probably worth adding the -n flag the first time you run it, which outputs what it will do without actually doing it (just in case it wasn't what you were expecting).
From HDR-FOX HDD Replacement:

To restore the CF installation from the old HDD (without downloading it and reconfiguring it from scratch), copy the mod folder from the recording partition on the old HDD into the same place in the new HDD. Under the circumstances, with the old HDD connected by USB, this is most easily accomplished using Linux command-line commands via Telnet:

cd <folder containing mod on old HDD>
cp -R mod /mnt/hd2
Do not attempt to do this using Windows or via a FAT32 or exFAT drive. The copy process must preserve file permissions, and a direct Ext3 to Ext3 transfer using Linux is the easiest way to ensure they are preserved.
Thank you both.
So this is what I did, and it worked. :)
Can I recap to see if I got this right? Put a HDD with no custom firmware on it at all in your machine. Plug the old HDD into the usb. Then just do those commands and hey presto all the CF is there with all your packages?
Then just do those commands and hey presto all the CF is there with all your packages?
Don't you realise the operational core of the CF is in Flash (including Telnet)? The rsync or cp commands are simply copying everything else across (with due regard to file permissions etc). This ain't gonna work unless CF has already been flashed.

But it's no great hardship to have a 'spring clean' and set up the WebIF from scratch.
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