Transferring .TS files from a FOXSAT-HDR to a Mac.

Binky Huckaback

New Member
I would like to transfer files from my old FOXSAT-HDR to one of my Macs.

Many years ago I downloaded and installed third party software on my Humax from a Humax forum that would enable me to download .TS files from the FOXSAT-HDR to my Mac. The software is very good and does all that I need - or rather it is when I can remember how to use it. I now have a new computer and ISP and I'm now stuck as I cannot figure out how to once again access / enable the software via my browser (Chrome). I cannot recall the name of the software however when booting up the FOXSAT-HDR the digital display shows 'Custom FW v4.1.3' which is the software version.
I'm fortunate to currently have an M1 Mac Mini and a M2 MacBook. My ISP used to be with PlusNet and I think I'm right in saying that this meant I had a static web address (I could be talking nonsense here so please forgive me). My current, new ISP is blazing fast and inexpensive but doesn't come with a static web address. My understanding is that the IP Address in the Network settings on the FOXSAT-HDR is the one I need to put in the URL field of Chrome to access the FOXSAT-HDR drive but doing so simply results in a box popping up requesting me to sign in (please see attached image). I've tried various passwords along with 'admin' as a Username but to no avail.

As a second option I tried plugging a USB stick into the FOXSAT-HDR to see if I could transfer files via the File Manager but the 'Copy' option is greyed out so that's a no-go.

Can anyone please assist with how I might be able to download the .TS files once again please? Cheers.


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There is a section of this forum devoted to the custom firmware for Foxsat, I'll get this thread moved there.

Many years ago I downloaded and installed third party software on my Humax from a Humax forum that would enable me to download .TS files from the FOXSAT-HDR to my Mac.
Not from a Humax forum, AVForums. The relevant links are available in the Custom Firmware section of this forum.

I now have a new computer and ISP
Your ISP has nothing to do with access to equipment within your home network, except that your ISP no doubt supplied your modem and it includes a router.

My understanding is that the IP Address in the Network settings on the FOXSAT-HDR is the one I need to put in the URL field of Chrome to access the FOXSAT-HDR

but doing so simply results in a box popping up requesting me to sign in
Have you tried simply clicking "sign in" without a user name and password? Otherwise I suggest you did actually configure a password and have now forgotten. I may be talking out of my arse here, but you could try Telnetting in to reset the password.
It has been a while, but my recollection is that by default there is no need for credentials to access the web interface.
Assuming the address you have used ( is correct, the fact that you are being asked to sign in implies an account has been set up to protect the web interface.
How did you determine the Foxsat is using that address ?

If you set your older computer browser to remember your username/password combination it may still work or you may be able to extract the credentials (not familiar with Mac or Chrome).

If you can't retrieve the old credentials, then as suggested by Black Hole there is a utility to disable the requirement.
Provided you can telnet in to the Foxsat you should get a prompt of "Foxsat-HDR~#"
Entering the command "pass-disable" should remove the requirement for credentials on the web interface.

You could try FTP to get the files off instead of downloading by browser. You will an FTP client on your computer - not sure if Mac has one.
The FTP default credentials for FTP are.

username: HumaxFTP
password: 0000

If those don't work then try
username: root
password: root

If you previously changed the FTP credentials or didn't have FTP enabled, then these won't work.
Thank you both for taking the time to reply speedily with detailed and helpful posts, it's greatly appreciated.

The Humax address was obtained from System -> Network -> IP Address.

I tried using FTP via 'Connect to Server' on the Mac. The username and password 'root' resulted in an error however username: HumaxFTP and password: 0000 did get a result but only inasmuch as producing a blank Finder window (please see attached image). Note that the Foxsat address has changed once again (from the previous .108 to .104).

Had no idea what Telnet / Telnetting was but I looked it up. I installed Homebrew via the Terminal and then accessed Telnet which connected to the IP Address (image below) but I can't download files via Terminal so it was a pretty futile endeavour really. For what it's worth I have managed to connect to what appears to be the routers admin page (image below). I don't know if this has info that may assist me or not.

I've located the Custom Firmware section of the forum and it looks like there's a software update so I may go down that route first whilst have a read of that section to try and get up to speed.

Many thanks once again for the help.


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username: HumaxFTP and password: 0000 did get a result but only inasmuch as producing a blank Finder window
No idea. You're using a Mac, so not familiar. With a command-line FTP client, you might get some helpful error messages. Ditto PuTTY on a PC.

Had no idea what Telnet / Telnetting was but I looked it up. I installed Homebrew via the Terminal and then accessed Telnet which connected to the IP Address (image below) but I can't download files via Terminal so it was a pretty futile endeavour really.
Telnet provides terminal access to the command prompt, it's not a file transfer system. As I said, I'm not a Foxsat owner so I'm not familiar with it, but according to Dino's post you should have entered the following command at the prompt:
Entering the command "pass-disable" should remove the requirement for credentials on the web interface.

ls is a valid command and gave you a listing of the root directory. media is not a command and therefore produced "not found" (I guess you meant cd media followed by ls). If you want to know more, read up about the Linux command shell, but I think MacOS is similar.
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A 'blank Finder window' for an FTP connection may or may not be right.
If it is a working FTP session, then I'd expect to be able to navigate around the Humax file system in order to download selected files to the Mac.
I'm not familiar with Mac so not sure what a working FTP connection from a Mac to a Humax would look like or how to navigate around it.

As Black Hole has stated, the suggestion to use telnet was not intended to directly transfer any files.
The telnet access is primarily to run the command
This should disable the requirement for authentication when browsing the humax webif.
Provided this works, accessing the humax with chrome without using the Username/password that you appear to have set and forgotten should be possible again which appears to be your main requirement.

A secondary use of the telnet session would be to explore the files in place on the humax
From the Foxsat-HDR~# prompt, the correct command to navigate to the recorded television programs is
cd /mnt/hd3/Video

The prompt should change to reflect that you are now 'in' that directory and the list command
should show your recordings.
Dino, you're a hero! Using 'pass-disable' after the 'Foxsat-HDR~#' prompt resulted in my being able to access the Humax via Chrome. I appreciate the patience shown and very many thanks to all - cheers.:doublethumbsup:


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