Trouble viewing downloaded recordings


New Member
I'm havig problems trying to view recordings from my HDR FOX T2. I'm running customised firmware and I have installed the following packages :


I have tried downloading both HD and SD recordings just in case there are problems with encryption but the same problems occur. I've tried playing the recordings on Microsoft Media Player, VLC using my laptop and via my Synology NAS Server all occations I get no output. Am I doing soething wrong here ?

Can just get a sanity check here that I'm following the correct process for downloading files please ?
To download files from Humax Fox T2 from the web portal I select Browse I then select the file or asset in question and then from the opt+ button I select download. Once downloaded I then try to play the file. I assume I'm doing this correctly and have not missed out any steps.

Has anyone else had a similar problem and if so what was the resolution to fix the fault ?

Thanking you in advance

If you really have a HDR-FOX, you have no use for the BootHDR package. If you actually have a HD-FOX, you need to take special measures over decryption.

Everything is spelt out in detail by following the link from Things Every... (click) section 5.