Two Fox HDR T2 Boxes, Can I copy recording schedules across


New Member
I have two separate HDR Fox T2 boxes in different rooms and instead of manually programming recordings on each one, is it possible to copy the recording schedule between boxes, so I only have to set these once? They are on the same local network.

If you have the standard 'Humax' software running, the answer is no, even with the Custom Firmware running you would need to copy a schedule/favourites back-up from one Humax to the other, this has never been tried as far as I'm aware. I might as well ask (Before some one else does) why you would want to record the same programs on both boxes
Just for flexibility on which room I can watch the recorded program, and before someone asks about simply piping the HDMI to the other room, two boxes give greater flexibility for occupants of each room.
But you can watch the programmes recorded on the other box simply by networking them together and turning on Content Sharing (or using the custom software networking facilities).
Many thanks, didn't even know about this facility on these fantastic boxes, off to do some reading, cheers.
Is there a record time for resurrecting an old thread? The backup files live in /mnt/hd2/mod/var/backup/ (and additionally backup your channel "favourites" lists)
(this is mentioned elsewhere, but this was the thread I found first, when searching for the same thing).