Unable to update RS favourites after retune - database disk image is malformed


New Member
I retuned yesterday for the freeview changes, and reorganised my favourites list (used by RS) to ensure the defunct channels such as 4-seven-hd (which still show epg info in RS) cannot be used for recording.

I then attempt:
rs push channels

But get:
Failed: database disk image is malformed (database disk image is malformed)

I tried deleting /var/lib/humaxtv/channel.db and rebotting, but again the push command returns that error message.

Is there anything else I should be doing or any other way of synchronising my "favourites" changes to RS?

Another corrupt database. Seems like we need something to at least alert when this happens. An auto-fix would be better.
Ah! The RS web-if has now notiffied me abuot a broken recording from back in May. I wondered why it hadn't been able to detect taht one - removing the corrupt db seems to have resolved the issue.