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undeletable folder

i have the undelete CF installed and usually have no problem deleting everything from that folder

however, recently i had a failed recording, let me entertain you, and it just appeared as an empty file, i deleted the contents and moved the title folder to the delete folder as i usually do, when i try to delete that it just shows the spinning asterisk forever, i have tried deleting using the webif, switching machine off, putting other things in the folder, renaming the folder etc and all with the same result

its not a big problem but it'd be nice to get rid of it. anyone had similar?? would i be best removing the undelete CF and then deleting it normally?
i guess this may help someone see whats happening??

Emptying dustbin at Sat May 31 02:06:11 BST 2014
Dustbin: /mnt/hd2/My Video/[Deleted Items]
Processing dustbin... (7 - 10,20,40,60,80,100,120)
Keeping deleted files for 7 days.
find: ./Let Me Entertain You/Let Me Entertain You_20140524_1801.nts: Input/output error
1 = 10, 2 = 20, 3 = 40, 4 = 60, 5 = 80, 6 = 100, 7 = 120,
Free disk space: 199.076 GiB
Removing empty directories...
Looking for orphaned HMT files.
find: ./Let Me Entertain You/Let Me Entertain You_20140524_1801.nts: Input/output error
You have a disk error which needs fixing. If you leave it will likely cause problems with recordings and playback and at worst could trigger the delete bug which starts clearing your disk.

The process isn't actually that hard - once you have got a connection to the box using telnet (see http://wiki.hummy.tv/wiki/Telnet ) - it's just a case of using the menu system, and we're here to help.
sorted thanks, deleted the pesky little folder at last!

now i just need a solution to my harmony touch keypad problem and my life will be complete again!!

roll on tuesday to see if bt infinity can better the average of 4 mbps on my broadband!
It's amazing what people can do if they put their minds to it instead of assuming it's too complicated.
isnt it just!! thats me done for the day now tho!! off to do something else that i know little about, but has to be done, gardening!! waist high weeds in ten days of rain, ludicrous!!