Using the HDR T2 without aerial


New Member
Hi There,
I have a problem that I hope you guys may be able to help me on. I have an old HDR T2 which got damaged last winter....
The aerial coax outer sheath got sliced on the edge of a gutter and allowed rainwater to run down the coax and because I had the coax passing straight through my wall into the tuner it allowed this flow of water straight into the aerial in socket on the back. Anyway, this must have been occuring for a while until one day I lost signal. I investigated and discovered the water under the receiver and the wet carpet!
So, first question is, does anyone know how easy it is to swop out the FT2115 21933720 SV2110262082032 aerial in modulator or whatever it is? If not can anyone recommend a repair centre?

Second question is, does anyone kow if I can get my unit to skip the initial tuning page so I can use my T2 in the kids bedroom to view iplayer programmes?
I have updated with the excellent custom firmware (CFW 2.14/1.02.20) available from this site, but I still can't get to the iplayer page. As the firmware update is so good, I may get away with just adding films to the HDR accross the network, but it would be a lot better if I could play stuff direct from iplayer.

Repairs? Don't know. I have heard Humax will do an out-of-warranty repair/replacement for £110.

There has been no means developed to skip the initial tuning, although there has been mention in the past of the possibility (by patching the database). Now there is a definite need it might be forthcoming.

Once you do get past that hurdle, you cannot access the TV Portal without a sensible system time (which is normally derived from the broadcast signal). There are ways around that though.

Things Every... section 6;;;
Second question is, does anyone kow if I can get my unit to skip the initial tuning page so I can use my T2 in the kids bedroom to view iplayer programmes?

I'm sure we can come up with a way around it. I don't have a unit in that condition to test but try running the skipwizard diagnostic on it - either from the web interface Diagnostics page (just type skipwizard into the box then click Run Diagnostic or from the command line as diag skipwizard and then turn the box off and on again.

It's possible that the Humax will update the database during shutdown and reverse the change, if it does then we'll try another way.
af123, I'm curious: the Humax presumably collects these diagnostics scripts from, but are they saved locally at all? Can they be run if the Humax is not on-line?
af123, I'm curious: the Humax presumably collects these diagnostics scripts from, but are they saved locally at all? Can they be run if the Humax is not on-line?
Yes it downloads them directly from that web site. They aren't saved locally and require the Humax to be on-line.
The original idea of them, and hence why they're called diagnostics was to give people a single simple command to run to collect information about the box when they have a problem, rather than asking relatively inexperienced users to fire up telnet and type a sequence of commands.
Hi Guys,
thankyou for the quick responses to my questions.
I tried skipwizard from the diagnostics page (see attached screen dump), then put box into standby, then powered down and back on again. Unfortunately it is still telling me 'No channels are available. Press OK to search channels'.
I just received a response from Humax support. Not much help... They cannot suggest a repair shop, they cannot supply the spare part, but they can repair the unit for £120. Has anyone got any further ideas on this one?
Is there a part number on the tuner unit?

Maybe you could get one from another supplier, unless Humax make the part in-house. You would need to be sure that only that part had failed though.
This is the part number: FT2115 21933720 SV2110262082032
I can't find it on the RS website, and I don't know where else to look. I'm reasonably sure this is the problem component, which is why I don't want to pay them £120, especialy as all I want to do is get onto iplayer without having to buy yet another set top box! (I already have a Foxsat HDR in front room). If anybody knows where I can get the part please give me a hint.
I'm sure we can work out a way of adding a dummy channel to the database so your box stops prompting. Let me have a look tonight.