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Using the time-shift buffer to record whole programme after it has started

There will be a way, but I guess it would involve illegally reverse engineering the proprietary Humax firmware. That's not what the Custom Firmware does, it sits on top of the existing firmware without actually altering it. As you can record HD from the buffer and decrypt it after recording there's no reason to even try.


I see AF123 suggests a way of transferring parts of the timeshift buffer file to a regular encrypted recording, NEAT :)

Thereafter of course you can use the box to decrypt just like any other recording.

The CF for the HDR FOX T2 has more bells and whistles than the Foxsat version. For instance you can record streamed content.
Removal of copy protection is, though, isn't it?
Whilst Humax signed an agreement with the BBC to store the unencrypted high definition recordings received over the air in an encrypted form, they didn't require me to sign anything when I bought the box.
There isn't an add on for the Foxsat-hdr that decrypts recordings. Neither is there in effect one for the HDR FOX T2. There is no known way of removing the encryption from existing Foxsat-hdr recordings. There is on the HDR FOX T2 but that uses the boxes existing decryption capability. In both case the actual transmission source is not encrypted and can easily be recorded as such using say a generic free to air box, that incidentally includes a Foxsat-HDR when operated as such a device. The platform you use to record Freeview/Freesat is required to encrypt as part of the spec. Both satellite and DVB-T2 cards/dongles for computers don't encrypt either.
Whilst Humax signed an agreement with the BBC to store the unencrypted high definition recordings received over the air in an encrypted form, they didn't require me to sign anything when I bought the box.
That wouldn't make it illegal, only breaking a civil contract.
Whilst Humax signed an agreement with the BBC to store the unencrypted high definition recordings received over the air in an encrypted form, they didn't require me to sign anything when I bought the box.

It is all very confused. There are conditions in the TV License agreement, I believe, or at least such were planned. Do you have any definitive statement that it is legal to remove or bypass encryption? I suppose if we all do this then the "content providers" will stop providing HD content.
No specific statement, see the Quick Guide. The point is that even HiDef Freeview/Freesat feeds are unencrypted, and with a tuner one could capture the stream with a PC or whatever. Humax had to agree to encrypt the HiDef on disk in return for access to the EPG. So we are circumventing measures Humax had to take to honour an agreement. No law involved, only civil contracts. Who is to blame? Only Humax for not doing the job very well. Who will sue whom, and what are the damages?