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Watching media from HD-FOX T2 to Foxsat Hdr


New Member
I now have my Fox Hd T2 freeview box wifi enabled, I also have my Foxsat Hdr on the network via an ethernet cable. My question is can I and if yes how can I watch a programme recorded on say the Fox Hd T2 external hard drive on the other humax over my network?

Hope this all makes sense!

Many Thanks
The HD-FOX (as standard) has no media server capability. I don't know whether the Foxsat has media (DLNA) client capability, let's assume it does.

First the recordings made on the HD-FOX need to be decrypted. To do that you will need to install the MSP, run HDR mode, and do decrypt-copy operations for all of them. Then you can run Mediatomb to provide the HD-FOX with server capabilities it didn't have before.

If you were actually asking about serving from the Foxsat to the HD, if the Foxsat has server capabilities you need to turn them on, and then on the HD-FOX press "media", blue, and select "network" - the HD- will then seek any DLNA client on your network (including the Foxsat if it works) and list them as sources of media.
The HD-FOX (as standard) has no media server capability. I don't know whether the Foxsat has media (DLNA) client capability, let's assume it does.


My fault I was referring to streaming from HDR FOX T2 to HD FOX T2 (not from the Foxsat-hdr) which works but not vice versa.