webif 1.2.8-1 delivers a significant speed improvement to the package management screen - on my box the load time for each tab has dropped from 15 seconds to 1.
Yep, in EXTRA.css you can reduce the icon sizes if you wish:
Code:img.button { height: 50px; }
img.button {
height: 50px;
width: 50px; }
Installed, rebooted, checked and removed using Web-If - Thanks webshell 1.0.2 works for meaf123 : webshell 1.0.2 should fix that although a reboot (or web server restart) will be required following installation..
http://hummy.tv/forum/threads/extra-css-please-post-tweaks-here-with-screengrabs.6183/CSS is new to me. I have tried as you suggest but have found that though I can vary the width the height remains the same.
For example:
Code:img.button { height: 50px; width: 50px; }
Would it also be possible to customise the webif front page layout to give a 5 column table instead of the 4 using the EXTRA.css file ?
Try marking the height as important which should make it override the default. I'm not a fan of littering !important around but in this case it make sense.CSS is new to me. I have tried as you suggest but have found that though I can vary the width the height remains the same.
height: 50px !important;
width: 50px;
Unfortunately that would require a code change.Would it also be possible to customise the webif front page layout to give a 5 column table instead of the 4 using the EXTRA.css file ?
The old version was written in a clean OO way using the pkg class so that the package display page didn't need to understand the packaging system internals. Once a list of packages was obtained it looped through and loaded an instance of the class for that package, so for example:That's a mega-improvement. Why/how was it so inefficient before?
set pkg [pkg load webif]
puts "Package Description: [$pkg get descr]"
puts "Installed? [$pkg is installed]"
source /mod/webif/lib/setup
require pkg.class
set pkgdata [pkg getall]
# Old method
puts [time {
set upgr_pkgs {}
foreach pkg [split [exec /bin/opkg list-upgradable] "\n"] {
if {[regexp {^([^ ]+)} $pkg name] == 0} { continue }
lappend upgr_pkgs $name
} 100]
# New method
puts [time {
set upgr_pkgs {}
foreach {pkg data} $pkgdata {
if {$data(installed) ne "0" && \
$data(installed) ne $data(version) && \
[pkg vercompare $data(version) $data(installed)] == 1} {
lappend upgr_pkgs $pkg
} 100]
552900 microseconds per iteration
15377 microseconds per iteration
Me neither, because it was soooo damned slow.I don't generally use the web interface for package management so I haven't really noticed this before
It isn't bad but there is no longer the same clean API line between the screen code and the library, and there is now Jim code that has to understand the on-disk format used by the opkg toolset. The speed improvement is definitely worth is and there is only a very slim chance that I'd ever change the packaging system anyway...Okay, so previously it was implemented in a clean OO manner - what is it now: dirty? Or have you found a more efficient clean method?
Try marking the height as important which should make it override the default. I'm not a fan of littering !important around but in this case it make sense.
img.button { height: 30px !important; }
1.2.8 appears to have fixed all of the issues I have had recently.
Many thanks af123