When is there going to be a replacement for HDR FOX T2?


New Member
I was thinking of upgrading my ageing Humax PVR; the current Humax line-up seems ancient (by technology standards) and wondered if there were any rumours about a new model?

I am not desperate and could wait a few months.

Humax have produced a YouView Box since the HDR Fox T2 called DTR-T1000/1010 however I would not recommend it, it adds 3 more catch-up TV services to the BBC I-Player on the HDR, but has a whole list of features missing compared to the HDR. There was recently a podcast interview with Graham North, a Humax Rep. where he hints at new products, but it is quite vague, there is a link to the podcast #37 HERE
Many thanks Ezra, I don't have sufficiently speedy internet to consider the YouView offering, but the technology looks promising. One to watch for the future from my point of view.

Humax have produced a YouView Box since the HDR Fox T2 called DTR-T1000/1010 however I would not recommend it, it adds 3 more catch-up TV services to the BBC I-Player on the HDR, but has a whole list of features missing compared to the HDR
I have a copy of the podcast (about 5Mb) that you could download if you are interested. The great pity from consumers point of view, is that if the Humax YouView had not been produced that the remaining 3 catch-up channels would probably have been added to the HDR which would be capable of providing these services, but Humax needed something to hold back to make the YouView box saleable
With the custom firmware, I'd still go with the HDR-Fox T2 when my current one dies. Can't see anything else on the market matching it for a long time.
I had a good listen to the podcast - and whilst they seem like a forward-facing company, (like you said) there was not anything concrete about a new model. I emailed them today, and will let you know if they answer ;-)

From what I've read, my own experience of owning a Humax, and the few responses here it seems like the Fox is the current best on the market at this time.

Thanks all.


Humax have produced a YouView Box since the HDR Fox T2 called DTR-T1000/1010 however I would not recommend it, it adds 3 more catch-up TV services to the BBC I-Player on the HDR, but has a whole list of features missing compared to the HDR. There was recently a podcast interview with Graham North, a Humax Rep. where he hints at new products, but it is quite vague, there is a link to the podcast #37 /quote]