• The forum software that supports hummy.tv has been upgraded to XenForo 2.3!

    Please bear with us as we continue to tweak things, and feel free to post any questions, issues or suggestions in the upgrade thread.

Who is PhillipWhasp ????????

This user, and lots of others recently have been processed as reported forum spammers.
This user, and lots of others recently have been processed as reported forum spammers.
He soon vanished then WandaVef just joined with another "This user's profile is not available" I suspected something was afoot :)
He soon vanished then WandaVef just joined with another "This user's profile is not available"

He soon vanished then WandaVef just joined with another "This user's profile is not available" I suspected something was afoot :)
Yes, that one has also been processed.

We are currently getting around 20 - 30 or so of these attempted new user applications per day.
They have all been processed.
I keep a bookmark to a list of Hindu obscenities available after getting a lot of scam calls claiming to be Amazon , my internet provider or bank. I only had to tell a few callers that they were fornicating with animals or their own mother and the calls stopped.
I keep a bookmark to a list of Hindu obscenities available after getting a lot of scam calls claiming to be Amazon , my internet provider or bank. I only had to tell a few callers that they were fornicating with animals or their own mother and the calls stopped.
The vast majority of these are coming from Russian Federation IP addresses.
The vast majority of these are coming from Russian Federation IP addresses.
If they are attempting what I suspect then I don't think they understand the mindset of this forum's users.
But they are probably bots I guess.

Have we passed peak internet now?
Given their success in Ukraine I'll worry when the US joins them ... in about 11 months time.
I am not sure even the MAGA red necks will endure the torrent of donation begging pleas Trump will be making to get his $355 million back. I see 😭 and claims of another stolen win coming from him.
I am not sure even the MAGA red necks will endure the torrent of donation begging pleas Trump will be making to get his $355 million back. I see 😭 and claims of another stolen win coming from him.

Don't be like that about Make America Groan Again ... :o_O: