I've read comments about needing a fudge to get the Humax to play wide screen MP4 files correctly (set screen to 4:3 and format to Letterbox 16:9). That works but of course messes up the settings for anything else. Is there anything that can be done with the source MP4 so that the Humax correctly recognises the format? An example that I was looking at has a size of 1910 x 800 pixels so pretty much correct for wide screen at a pixel aspect ratio of 1:1. What is the Humax seeing in that file to make it stretch it out to 16:9? Or does the Humax simply ignore these flags and stretch to fit the screen?
Thanks, Tony S
I've read comments about needing a fudge to get the Humax to play wide screen MP4 files correctly (set screen to 4:3 and format to Letterbox 16:9). That works but of course messes up the settings for anything else. Is there anything that can be done with the source MP4 so that the Humax correctly recognises the format? An example that I was looking at has a size of 1910 x 800 pixels so pretty much correct for wide screen at a pixel aspect ratio of 1:1. What is the Humax seeing in that file to make it stretch it out to 16:9? Or does the Humax simply ignore these flags and stretch to fit the screen?
Thanks, Tony S