Wifi setup


New Member
Just bought hdr-fox-t2 and connected to my LAN by cable. OK. Tried wifi connection but can only get message saying cannot connect to the internet. Went into installation and followed through to LAN setup but wifi setup greyed out and not accessible. Am trying to connect using Edimax EW-7811Un. Can anyone suggest what I can do to connect wirelessly?
Don't think that dongle will work. Needs to be a based on a Rail link RT 3070 chipset such as the edimax EW 7711 unfortunately your dongle has a Realtek RTL8192C chipset
Root Ginger seeing you're Avatar reminds me I've still got an Amiga 1200 and an Amiga 4000 in the attic don't know what to do with them but I can't throw them out, notrite
Root Ginger seeing you're Avatar reminds me I've still got an Amiga 1200 and an Amiga 4000 in the attic don't know what to do with them but I can't throw them out, notrite
To be honest I haven't touched my A500 in years but keep meaning to get it out of my Mum and Dad's loft to see if it still works.
Oh and I've got a 500 also, I know the 4000 still works but not so sure about the rest, Happy Days !!!!
Don't think that dongle will work. Needs to be a based on a Rail link RT 3070 chipset such as the edimax EW 7711 unfortunately your dongle has a Realtek RTL8192C chipset
Thanks brianmt that will help in the future. I think I've discovered themain problem is not having an up to date operating system in the first place but clearly an incompatable dongle doesn't help!
Thanks again.