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windows 7 64bit


New Member
I've been trying to watch recordings on mr fox t2 hdr on custom firmware but it kept telling me I need a vlc plugin, which i cannot find anywhere. I'm running vlc 64bit on 3 computers all come up the same.
Out of intrest I uninstalled vlc 64bit and installes vlc 32bit and viola it works as expected.
Custom firmware etc. uptodate so it may not like vlc 64 bit...?
Using upnp in VLC?
No, because you can do that without custom firmware. My guess is the OP is using the WebIF media browser Play option, which requires a browser plugin.

I understand there's a long-standing bug in VLC 2.1x.
There are some versions of the full VLC which don't work with the Humax on DLNA (UPnP), but this looks like a plugin issue.
Perhaps you're correct if it explains the plugin, I don't have too much experience of using the Humax as a media sever as I have better alternatives.

The Original Poster indicates he's using Custom Firmware and this is the Custom Firmware section. It's easy to make assumptions.
It's easy to make assumptions.
Yes it's a presumption - but that is an educated guess based on available information and experience. An assumption is when you establish your own baseline for the sake of argument in the absence of any information at all.

It's easy to make wild assumptions, requires more thought to make valid assumptions, and accumulated knowledge to make presumptions.
I also have problems using the VLC plugin with the Play button on the webif
What I get is a black box with traffic cone in centre and two Play buttons, neither of which works!
Humax HDR Fox T2 (Humax) - Mozilla Firefox 28012015 122219.jpg

I get the same problem with FireFox, Chrome, Safari and IE 11

However if I navigate to the Humax with windows explorer and open the .ts files using VLC media player they play fine, so I haven't bothered to report the problem with the plugin before since it is fairly minor inconvenience and I don't often watch videos on the PC

I have the latest version of VLC 2.1.5 Rincewind and the http plugin demos http://people.videolan.org/~dionoea/vlc-plugin-demo/index.php do work
I had the same problem until recently, with Google Chrome, using the VLC plugin with the Play button on the Webif - Black screen with the VLC Cone. Then last week after an update to Google Chrome, there was a popup in the back box, saying that the plugin need to be enabled.

I enabled this somewhere in the right hand side of the address bar, then it worked, I'm using Windows 7, x64, Google Chrome Version 40.0.2214.93 m, VLC 2.1.5 Rincewind, Web interface version: 1.2.0-6, Custom firmware version: 3.00 (build 2137), Humax Version: 1.03.12 (kernel HDR_CFW_3.00)

I'm not sure about the VLC Plugin number, but it definitely work for me, I hope this may help you solve it
I had the same problem until recently, with Google Chrome, using the VLC plugin with the Play button on the Webif - Black screen with the VLC Cone. Then last week after an update to Google Chrome, there was a popup in the back box, saying that the plugin need to be enabled.

I enabled this somewhere in the right hand side of the address bar, then it worked, I'm using Windows 7, x64, Google Chrome Version 40.0.2214.93 m, VLC 2.1.5 Rincewind, Web interface version: 1.2.0-6, Custom firmware version: 3.00 (build 2137), Humax Version: 1.03.12 (kernel HDR_CFW_3.00)

I'm not sure about the VLC Plugin number, but it definitely work for me, I hope this may help you solve it
I have exactly the same software levels and it fails on both Windows7 and 8 so there must be something else in my environment that is interfering with VLC, I have tried disabling all other browser extensions to no avail.

Using the Video Lan plug in demonstrator I am able to use the VLC plugin to play .ts files from the Humax box e.g. http://people.videolan.org/~dionoea/vlc-plugin-demo/plugin.php?url=file:///V:/My Video/Broadchurch_20150126_2101.ts works for me so there must be something in how the webif Play function invoke the plugin that is somehow different
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