Windows 7 and downloading from 9200T
Firstly, thanks Michael for setting this up in the interim.
Secondly, apologies if this has already be answered on hummy.org!
I have just bought a Windows 7 laptop and want to know before I start trying to remember everything I did to set things up on the old ones (XP, Vista, and quite some time ago) if:
a) it will work
b) what pitfalls there are
c) does stuff like Cuttermaran and DVD styler still work
d) is there a link to some recent downloader software - I have an ancient copy of Media eLinker which worked fine previously, but who knows?
e) or do I just run it all in XP mode and hope for the best?
Any pointers gratefully received.
Firstly, thanks Michael for setting this up in the interim.
Secondly, apologies if this has already be answered on hummy.org!
I have just bought a Windows 7 laptop and want to know before I start trying to remember everything I did to set things up on the old ones (XP, Vista, and quite some time ago) if:
a) it will work

b) what pitfalls there are
c) does stuff like Cuttermaran and DVD styler still work
d) is there a link to some recent downloader software - I have an ancient copy of Media eLinker which worked fine previously, but who knows?
e) or do I just run it all in XP mode and hope for the best?
Any pointers gratefully received.