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[youtube-dl] Download files from youtube.com or other video platforms

You don't need to. Just run "youtube ..." instead of "sh" - the session will end when the started program ends though, so if you want to see what happened, then running it via the shell is a good idea.

This is really a question that would be better in an abduco thread, if there is one.
This is really a question that would be better in an abduco thread, if there is one.
I agree - but there isn't, and it has application here...

You don't need to. Just run "youtube ..." instead of "sh" - the session will end when the started program ends though, so if you want to see what happened, then running it via the shell is a good idea.
By experiment, I have found that the command interpreter starts just fine without the "sh". Am I wrong?
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Without "sh":
humax ~ # ps a
26754 pts/0    SNs    0:00 /mod/bin/busybox/sh -l
27113 pts/0    RN+    0:00 ps a
humax ~ # abduco -A x
\[\033[01;32m\]\h\[\033[01;34m\] \w \# \[\033[00m\]ps a
26754 pts/0    SNs    0:00 /mod/bin/busybox/sh -l
27145 pts/0    SN+    0:00 abduco -A x
27148 pts/1    SNs    0:00 /bin/sh
27149 pts/1    RN+    0:00 ps a
\[\033[01;32m\]\h\[\033[01;34m\] \w \# \[\033[00m\]exit
x: session terminated with exit status 0
humax ~ #
it runs /bin/sh and my coloured prompt and aliases (for rsync, scp, ssh etc.) don't work.

With "sh":
humax ~ # abduco -A x sh -l
humax ~ # ps a
26754 pts/0    SNs    0:00 /mod/bin/busybox/sh -l
28331 pts/0    SN+    0:00 abduco -A x sh -l
28334 pts/1    SNs    0:00 /mod/bin/busybox/sh -l
28358 pts/1    RN+    0:00 ps a
humax ~ # exit
x: session terminated with exit status 0
humax ~ #
it runs the Busybox shell and my coloured prompt and aliases do work.

So, you may or may not notice, depending.
The ">> logfile" bit is okay, but the status line which refreshes itself showing the download progress never gets a line feed until the end so it doesn't get written into the file in a viewable way. Solution, anyone?

A sticking plaster would be to duplicate the status line into the log file instead of just diverting it. How?

PS: I find I am never using the TV Portal method now I have youtube-dl to play with!
How do I get control back if the process in an abduco session stalls? I can't see an abduco command to forcibly terminate an existing session from outside the session - it seems to rely on getting a command prompt within the session and typing "exit", but if you can't get a command prompt...

(The youtube-dl process eventually returned control with an error message, but I knew it had hung a long time before that)
Ctrl+C does nothing as far as I can see, and I don't know what to kill (is "jobs" a sh command?).
pkill abduco

Personally, I've always preferred tmux, and have been attempting to compile from source on my HDR, but no luck so far :-(
Oh, you mean kill abduco and any processes that are running in sessions in it. Brute force, but I'm not planning to run another one at the same time :)
Is YouTube-dl working OK on the HD-FOX? I have been trying to download some reasonably large recordings (ca. 2GB) but keep running into the same problem (tried 2 different episodes): the initial download works, but while fixing the "malformed AAC audio stream" with ffmpeg the fixed file reaches about 90% of the size of the original before the box either crashes or locks-up. It works OK on the HDR-FOX. I wondered if this was a memory problem? Is it possible to use a swap file on the USB hard drive like the HDR-FOX uses on its internal drive?
Sounds like the obvious candidate.

In theory, I don't see why not.
It looks like the swapper package is already installed; it is a dependency of lighttpd. However, on the HDR-FOX this package installs a 128MB file called '.swap0' on /mnt/hd3 which is the reserved swap space. My HD-FOX USB drive only has one partition and I cannot find such a file; though it could be in a folder somewhere. @af123 - does swapper work on the HD-FOX?
does swapper work on the HD-FOX?
It doesn't, but it's trivial to make it do so. If you want to test it:
humax# free -m
humax# dd if=/dev/zero of=/media/drive1/.swap0 bs=1M count=128
humax# mkswap /media/drive1/.swap0
humax# swapon /media/drive1/.swap0
humax# free -m
and to get rid of it again:
humax# swapoff /media/drive1/.swap0
humax# rm /media/drive1/.swap0